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Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Latest Trends in Drug Testing

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
Drug testing is going through a bit of a mass flux in recent months. First, another wave of individual rights hit the fan about a year ago, protesting the supposed violation of privacy brought on by drug testing. Then, we entered a phase where businesses everywhere are employing mass drug testing for all of their employees, and are really happy with the results.
Employee drug testing has been on a rise ever since then.
In order to compete with the competition, you will not want to hire workers who are rejected by the other businesses. You will want to stay competitive and bring your company to this level, as well. There is a great deal to be said in favor of using screening tests of any kind. CMM Technology provides you with all of them, saliva drug tests, urine drug tests, and alcohol breathalyser devices, as well as our breathalyser recalibration service. Of course, we are also accredited by NATA for our breathalyser calibration.
That makes us the best option available for you.
If you would like to look at our drug test equipment, be sure to check out our website and browse around our products, check out our sister site which does on-site drug testing, and even call us up to ask us some questions.
We love answering questions.
Now that you are intrigued with all of our special awesome qualities, we would also like to invite you to look at your employee turnover rate in your business. Evaluate how many of your employees were let go due to drug or alcohol abuse, and then do something really interesting. Look at how long they were employed in your company before their abuse was identified. Yes, we thought you would notice that one, especially.
In order to protect your company assets and reduce your expenses on employee turnover and potential liability, go ahead and start using Drug Test equipment from CMM Technology. We can bring a lot of good assets to your business and we can do so in an affordable manner.
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Friday, 27 December 2013

Psychonauts are Changing the Drug Distribution Model

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
Have you heard of psychonauts? Chances are the answer is “no” because they are people who are doing things sensible people would not even consider attempting. Psychonauts is modern vernacular for people who test illicit designer drugs, justifying their actions in one of two ways. Some say they test the drugs so they can document and describe the effects and then let others know in online forums how it went in terms of physical and mental effects. The rest of the psychonauts admit they just want to experience new “mind blowing” experiences. In either case, they are sad people who are risking their lives to take dangerous drugs just for the fun of it.
What does this have to do with employers and the workplace? First, there is no doubt there are psychonauts who are employed since the majority of Australian drug users work. However, another important fact learned from psychonauts is the fact they are very modern drug users and dealers utilising a new drug distribution model. The psychonauts operate entirely online, buying and selling drugs on the internet and reporting the results of drug use in forums and chat rooms. They bypass traditional distribution systems like buying from street dealers. The only positive thing that comes out of their use of online forums and chat rooms is that it gives law enforcement opportunities to gain insights into the illicit drug market that they could not get otherwise. Law enforcement regularly monitors social media to detect new trends in drug use.
Not Who You May Think They Are
In reality, there are mixed stories on the extent of online drug purchases by Australians. Some studies indicate a growing problem, whilst others report the market has stabilised. Last month, a senior lecturer in epidemiology at the University of New South Wales and a Research Officer at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, also at the University of New South Wales, conducted a survey on the topic. It found that the number of online drug retailers is growing, but a small percentage, only 3 percent, of Australians purchase their illicit drugs online. The researchers conducted the survey of online drug marketplaces during the period August 2012 to February 2013.1 The percentage is believed to be small because of Australia’s location and difficulties associated with shipping illicit drugs into the country without detection.
Despite education programs, many people continue to assume that drug addicts are easily identifiable and likely to be more like a street person than a professional working in an office. That assumption is wrong, which is why it is so important to have drug testing programs in place in the work setting. There is no such thing as a typical drug user anymore. In fact, the psychonauts tend to be university-educated, young people who are good at understanding chemical combinations. They often buy synthetic drug ingredients and compounds through the post.2 The government move to ban all synthetic drugs that are psychoactive is changing once-legal purchases into illegal ones. However, either way it is safe to say that people enjoying the highs of synthetic drugs will eventually use traditional illicit drugs. Once again, employers need random drug and alcohol testing in the workplace because drug users commonly use more than one illicit drug.
Bypassing the Street
In the traditional drug testing model, the drug ingredients are grown by farmers and sold to manufacturers. The manufacturer finds exporters who have a delivery system in place for getting the drugs into various countries. The importers have groups of upper-echelon dealers who have established a system of street dealers. The street dealers are the people actually selling to the end-users. The psychonauts are skipping most of the steps simply by using the post to buy drugs directly from manufacturers.
Psychonauts are supremely confident, which is why they feel free to report illegal activities online. They seem to have forgotten they are human and subject to the same addictions as other people, no matter how many fastidious records they keep on synthetic compounds. Banning synthetic drugs and making them illegal will at least give the legal system the right to prosecute when the psychonauts get caught. In the meantime, employers need to continue religiously using high-quality drug and alcohol test supplies like those CMM Technology ( has designed specifically for workplace applications.
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Thursday, 26 December 2013

Ice in the Office

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
An electric staple through a thumb many not get a lot of attention (who has not stapled their finger at least once in life), but getting a tie caught in a shredder can get downright dangerous. These are the types of office injuries that do not get a lot of thought because the first one seems painful but minor, and the second one does not happen very often (as far as we know). However, each of these white collar injuries sustained in office settings usually lead to medical expenses and lost productivity as the injured, and those around them, deal with the injury or emotional trauma. The first real-life incident involving the stapler was attributed to fatigue, whilst the worker who got his tie caught had been drinking during lunch.1 That is not the end of the story because a taking a sleeping pill the night before and having two drinks at lunch are stereotypical pictures of office worker drug use. The reality is that drugs like meth amphetamine (ice) are increasingly used by all workers, including white collar employees, smashing the stereotypical image of a drug offender.

Using words like “crystalline” and “ice” to describe a form of meth seems so deceptive, and that is the point. Calling a dangerous drug by a nice-sounding name is a diversionary tactic appealing to the emotions. Anyone who has not seen the pictures of what crystalline methamphetamine does to the body will be shocked by its effects. Ice is a powerful, destructive drug that causes hallucinations, body sores, psychosis, paranoia, weight loss, and a host of other problems. An office worker can use the drug for a while, but eventually the symptoms will become painfully obvious to others and loss of job is inevitable. Until that point is reached, office workers addicted to meth are just as likely as the lunch-drinker and the sleeping-pill taker to get injured at work.

Bad Decisions All Around

Every job requires being alert. It is wrong to think that office employees are not subject to injury risks. Though jobs in the mining, construction, and aviation industries have a higher safety-risk, there are millions of dollars in unaccounted productivity losses due to on-the-job drug and alcohol use. There are arguments made against drug and alcohol testing of office workers because they have a reduced risk of injury. Those arguments make little sense to the co-workers of substance users who are subjected to injury also. How many co-worker fingers have been slammed in drawers or how much equipment has been started before it was safe to do so because someone was on drugs or had been drinking during business meetings? In fact, it is interesting to speculate on the number of bad business decisions that have been made by substance users.

Much more dangerous are drug and alcohol employees who drive to meetings with co-workers in the vehicle. Drug users and addicts no longer fit any particular stereotype, and ice can be added to the list of common drugs used by office workers. There is now widespread recognition that offices might be turning into safe havens for drug dealers because employers see these positions as low safety risk jobs and thus drug and alcohol test is not as frequent. Law enforcement staff members recently attended training session on identifying ice users because of the rapid growth in the meth market. The Department of Justice hopes that better training will help them identify the sources of meth and other drugs. One of the places targeted as a possible drug dealing venue is the innocuous office setting.2

Nothing Quick About Drugs and Alcohol

As the rates of illicit drug use and alcohol abuse grow, it is clear that substance abuse testing will apply as much to the office as it does the mine or construction site. Any employee under the influence presents a risk of injury to themselves and to others. One drink on an empty stomach or a quick ice fix to get through the day can lead to problems that last a lifetime. Drug and alcohol use, including ice, is pervasive, and those who deny this fact are not admitting the reality of the situation.

There are many types of supplies and equipment for drug testing that are suitable for use in office settings. CMM Technology ( professionals can help office managers select the right saliva testing and breathalyser equipment to support a zero tolerance workplace.

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Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Drug & Alcohol Policy is Corporate Social Responsibility in Action

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is a leader in establishing “…higher standards of safety…” and in actively engaging and interacting with the “…wide aviation community…” The organisation has three goals that include establishing “comprehensive, consistent and effective regulation to enhance aviation safety,” good governance, and effective relationships with the aviation community. CASA also hires a number of safety-critical personnel and developed a strategy that focuses on ensuring the workforce understands its obligations and accountability.1 Social responsibility is a comprehensive concept that addresses organizational responsibility to all of its stakeholders. Many activities are associated with social responsibility, including charitable contributions, reducing environmental impacts, and maintaining a substance free workplace.

Developing drug and alcohol policies and procedures and implementing a random alcohol and drug testing process are two of many strategies that contribute to exercising social responsibility. The employer has a responsibility to ensure the health and safety of workers, and to ensure that the workers are as productive as possible and producing quality products and services. However, corporate social responsibility is about a lot more than just how people act while at work. It is a principle that should be embedded in the business culture, brand, reputation, and even human rights.

Respecting Human Rights in Many Ways

The Australian Human Rights Commission outlines the everyday best practices in a business that respects the human rights of workers and the communities in which the business operates. The Commission’s Fact Sheet 3 explains the best practices for Human Rights as a component of the larger social responsibility principle in the extractive industry.2 Human Rights have several areas of concern where risks are created when the rights are not protected. One of those areas is under labour practices. The Commission writes, “Extractive companies, like all other employers, have a responsibility to make sure that employees enjoy fundamental labour rights like a safe workplace, a living wage, non-discriminatory work practices, and collective bargaining.”2 The workplace drug and alcohol policy and procedures address two of the four areas mentioned – safe workplace and non-discriminatory work practices.

Australian employers know they have a duty of care to maintain a safe environment. It is a corporate responsibility and a social responsibility, and an important step in the process is keeping drugs and alcohol out of the workplace. However, a zero tolerance policy is usually not thought of as a human rights responsibility, though it should be.

In addition, the random drug and alcohol testing program supports the non-discriminatory work practices responsibility. The program is designed to randomly test employees without regard for their gender, race, or age. The testing of safety-sensitive workers outside the random testing is also non-discriminatory because the testing is based on job responsibilities and not on any personal characteristics. The procedures protect workplace safety which means they protect the safety of co-workers, yet another Human Rights issue.

Matter of Dignity, Respect, Security and Health

The Australian Human Rights Commission has developed additional fact sheets for the finance, retail and manufacturing sectors. The Commission defines Human Rights as “…promoting and protecting the values of respect, dignity and equality for every person…” Included on the list of things businesses can most impact are the right to life and security of the person and the right to health. The drug and alcohol policy goes right to the heart of these Human Rights factors. It is a business best practice meant to keep workers secure and to help them stay healthy. CASA is just one example of an exemplary Australian organisation that understands the connection between Human Rights, social responsibility, and a substance free workplace. There are many in Australia, and every business needs to join the effort to protect the health and safety of their workers.

Businesses have a social responsibility and managing a quality alcohol and drug testing program is one way they meet that responsibility. CMM ( can play an instrumental role in helping employers administer a quality program by providing high-tech supplies and equipment that make drug and alcohol test safe and accurate.

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Monday, 23 December 2013

Australia is Player in the Global Addiction Burden

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
Australia has a long history of economic success and can boast of having a fascinating and unique culture. It is exceptional in every way, including its geographic location and natural environment which sets it apart from the rest of the world. However, Australia is a global player in every regard, including in its contribution to the global economy, its importance in preserving a diverse ecology, and its role as a gateway to a burgeoning Asia. Unfortunately, it is also a player in a global addiction burden that limits what the nation is capable of achieving in numerous ways. Addiction increases crime rates and disease rates, and it also lowers productivity. It is good to step back at times, take a more global view of the use of illegal drugs and acknowledge that Australian employers are key players in the effort to protect the country’s residents from the tragic consequences of a growing illicit drug market.

The best way to assess Australia’s global status is to consider the statistics. The Australian Crime Commission’s report titled “Organised Crime in Australia” presents a grim picture. The Commission made a conservative estimate that organised crime is a $10 billion industry in Australia. It came to the conclusion that a large segment of organised crime is related to drug smuggling and the marketing of illicit drugs. The Commission also reported that at least half of Australian criminal activity is connected to illicit drugs. Smuggled drugs include ecstasy, amphetamines, methamphetamines, cocaine, cannabis, and heroin. In other words, the country has become a major market for international drug trafficking. Heroin is largely coming from south-east Asia and West Africa, though new sources have been emerging. At the time of the report, Germany, Canada, and Nigeria were the main embarkation points for cocaine.1

A Matter of Statistics

Employers can readily use these numbers as justification for drug testing in the workplace. The only reason that drug smuggling to Australia is growing is because there is a growing local market for the illicit substances. That increases the likelihood that one or more employees are using drugs in any workplace. It is all a matter of statistics. The drugs in the workplace may have originated in distance locations, but many of them end up in local businesses.

Globally, an estimated 149 to 271 million people around the world used illicit drugs in 2009. The drugs included opioids, cocaine, amphetamines, and cannabis. Up to 21 million people injected drugs, and in Oceana that number was 193,000.2 Australia is one of the few countries that tracks trends in the use of specific forms of drugs. Since so many countries do not survey for drug use and dependence, it is difficult to get reliable global numbers. However, the statistics that are available leave no doubt that Australia is considered an established market for illegal drugs.

As is true for other high-income countries, drug use is on the rise in Australia, and that increases the likelihood of health consequences. The adverse health effects have been divided into four major categories by researchers. They are: acute toxic effects which include overdose; acute effects of intoxication which include violence and accidental injury; the adverse health effects of sustained drug and alcohol use, which include chronic diseases, blood borne viral and bacterial infections, and mental disorders; and dependence.3 Each one of these health effects is detrimental to worker productivity and workplace safety and increases the cost of health insurance.

The relationship between drug and alcohol use and health issues like mental disorders are not always apparent to employers. For example, there is an established link between substance abuse and depression, and depression is the fourth leading cause of Australia’s disease burden.4 The employer may not realise a worker is making many mistakes at work due to experiencing depression as a symptom of drug abuse. A random drug test is the only legal and impartial means for detecting the presence of illicit drugs in a worker’s system.

A Broader Perspective

The statistics give perspective to Australia’s global position in the world of substance abuse. Keeping an eye on the broader perspective makes it easier to remember that a substance free environment benefits workers, the workplace, Australia, and the global community of which it is a member.

A drug and alcohol test program represents a reliable monitoring system that works to keep illicit drugs and alcohol out of the workplace. CMM Technology ( supplies businesses with quality products and professional services across industries.

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Wednesday, 18 December 2013

People Skills

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
We all have people skills, but to varying degrees and in widely varying areas. For instance, we may like to have one on one chats with someone with whom we are very close, or we may like to be the center of attention in a large crowd. There may be a great deal of verbal information movement within a group of people, or there may be almost no movement of information because the people involved prefer to keep to themselves.
People skills are what make an employee marketable and what makes their leadership abilities really shine. Without these abilities, companies would be run by individuals who know how to run numbers but who have no idea how to engage and motivate their teams.
In business, people skills are developed to different degrees, and employee substance abuse is more likely to happen at the lowest levels of the business, among workers who are unskilled or just starting out. When it comes to disagreements or ways of handling bad news, those cannot do it are usually the ones who are abusing substances on the side. The correlation between the two is high because people feel better and have far less stress when they are surrounded by a strong support system of people who love and care about them.
Naturally, you need to be able to assess this for yourself, and that is why CMM Technology brings you high quality alcohol test and other screening tests from our business. We also provide a high quality breathalyser recalibration service, for which we are NATA accredited. For these reasons and many more, we invite you to experience our business and our products for yourself. If you implement our drug test kits and find them high useful, like we do, then feel free to place standing orders with us to have your drug test equipment renewed on a regular basis and your breathalyser devices recalibrated. Now, we return to the people skills. No one really enjoys experienced screening tests, but at least your employees are being screened with the best equipment available to them, and that is something. Remember to tell your employees how much their employee drug testing program will help to protect them in the long run.
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Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Belief and Superstition

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
Superstition is the belief in our lives being controlled by external circumstances. While many people, to a much lesser degree than witch doctors or sorcerers, believe in superstition, it must be maintained that our power for creative control comes from within ourselves, not from external sources of inspiration, wildness, darkness, power, or resource management. All of our knowledge and wisdom on this earth comes from within us.
When businesses seek to control workplace liability through the use of employee drug testing, the truth is that liability cannot be completely controlled. We are not able to control the minds of man, and so our thinking needs to be adjusted a little bit. We are able to manage the situation within our businesses and deal out consequences if needed. It is a matter of quality control and professional behavior that is truly violated by employee substance abuse on the jobsite.
Superstition is the belief that external things control our abilities and, to many people, employee regulation is considered to be control, but that is not the case. Workers will still do whatever they want and employers will still take whatever action they deem is necessary regarding the workers. In truth, people can influence each other, but no real control can really be taken. You can control which employees enter your business and work for you. But then, that choice is your own.
The need for drug testing in order to make these executive decisions is why CMM Technology runs such a thriving business. Our drug test kits and alcohol tests are both part of the overall drug testing in Western Australia, but our customer service and the quality of our screening tests are what sets us apart from our competition. We are devoted to bringing strong evaluative tools to your company and to giving you the data you need to keep your business running smoothly, efficiently and with proper protection of your assets. This is business, after all. We recommend our very popular Rapid STAT saliva drug tests, as well as our Lifeloc FC10 breathalyser device. Naturally, we believe in the power of information to give you good decision making opportunities. Let us give that to you now.
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Monday, 16 December 2013

A Child’s Laugh

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
Here at CMM Technology and our blog, we often discuss workplace safety and how employees should be screened for potential alcohol or drug abuse while on the jobsite. However, we often deal with subjects which have to do with the personal responsibility and accountability taken by adults. It is simply not a subject which lends itself to the topic of children.
Children are hurt by drugs and alcohol, too. Also, they sometimes abuse them, without anybody else knowing this.
People who begin drug or alcohol abuse as children have started to alter their minds before their minds even began to be developed. That is really bad, and it carries repercussions much later in life.
You see, people don’t fully reach adulthood in their minds until around the age of 23 or 25. That means that, for every legal adult out there, there is still a lot of people who are not fully developed in their brains, and so therefore are not as mature as they could be in a few years.
And, if those people began substance abuse as kids, then the damage could possibly have permanent or extremely long lasting brain damage to their young minds. Children often abuse drugs or alcohol if they are not watched carefully by their parents and if their parents or someone in authority they know often drinks or does drugs. Obviously, this is a situation where an example is being set for them and, being children, they are trying very hard to live up to the expectations of their adults.
In the workplace, people have suffered from childhood substance abuse are not as likely to be in high level positions, because leadership requires a great deal of cognitive skill and activity. However, it is still possible. It becomes even more possible if they have not continued their drug or alcohol abuse into their adulthood.
That is one of the myriad of reasons why we here at CMM Technology distribute high quality drug test kits and alcohol breathalyser devices. Our Rapid STAT saliva drug test are also quite useful. When you need to implement some employee drug testing.
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Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Disregarding the Importance of Drug Testing

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
Drug testing is part of a whole plan to keep your company assets safe and your employees safe. There are many things which can guard your business from outsiders, but there are only a few proven techniques to guard your company from inside damage. You must look inside of your walls and make sure that everyone is doing a good job and is taking responsibility for their actions and making the most out of their time in your business.
If there is anyone who disregards the importance of drug testing, remember that it is the end result of the employee drug testing that really counts its worth. There are jobs in which employees do not have to be screened, because any old worker is taken on board. There are jobs in which screening is mandatory almost on a daily basis, because there is such a high level of risk involved.
For the rest of the companies, however, some owners or managers may disregard the importance of this crucial tool. You see, if someone is not a people person or does not understand the value of establishing strong human relationships, then they may not see the strength which is obtained through a strong, reliable screening schedule. To those people we say, trust us. This is our job. We provide high quality drug test equipment which really do give accurate numbers on which of your employees, if any, are abusing substances at the time. And, my friend, that is something which you should be aware of.
Drug test kits are available through our site or through our office. We even have a breathalyser recalibration service and are NATA accredited for it. We also have the popular Rapid STAT saliva drug test, which is used by many companies all over Australia. Whatever type of drug test kits you are looking for, we will most likely be able to provide them to you. CMM Technology is a professional contractor, and we care about our business and individual clients. Be sure and try out our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6, too, which has a built in adulterant test. Now, that is really something to see.
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Monday, 9 December 2013

So Many Types of Drugs

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
There are so many types of drugs in the marketplace today. From legal to illegal and from extremely dangerous to fairly innocuous, the number and variety of drugs is enough to make your head spin. Any competent chemist would be amazed at the number of drugs which are mixed and combined to make new chemical compounds, all of which can seriously harm the body if not separated and administered by a medical professional.
Today, designer drugs, drugs in their purest forms, and both legal and illegal drugs are available for kids to bring to “pharma parties,” which are parties where everyone brings drugs they find their medicine cabinets, and all of these drugs are thrown into a hat or some other container, and each person receives a random drug as it’s drawn from the hat.
As you can see, there is no limit to how badly these chemicals can mess with their bodies, especially since none of these have been prescribed to match their body chemistry and are being taken in a specific amount.
Many kids die at pharma parties every year. It’s the norm for this to happen on a fairly regular basis.
Your employees are just as responsible for their actions as you are for yours. However, your company can have a liability if one of your workers brings drugs or alcohol into the workplace or is high or drunk at any time they are on this property. That makes the legal situation for you a little more complicated. You now must really make sure that none of your employees are in any way affected by drugs or alcohol while they are at work. You can ensure this through the use of alcohol test and drug test kits.
Drug testing in Western Australia is an organism, just like the businesses it serves, which must be maintained and upheld by high quality drug test equipment and good onsite drug testing. Our goal as a drug test equipment distributor is to make testing equipment available to as many companies as possible. CMM Technology is proud of our reputation in the drug testing sector.

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Saturday, 7 December 2013

Social Lines of Protest

Saliva Drug Test
Saliva Drug Test
CMM Technology specializes in distribution of high quality drug test equipment and alcohol test. Now, we know that many businesses would order from us if they only knew how great our products are. However, not everyone can know that an abundant supply of high quality screening tests we carry until they order from us.
We encourage you to never hesitate when it comes to ordering from us. We know that you must know what works best with your employees, the size of your business, what type of industrial and company structure you have set up, and how regularly you plan on implementing these screening tests.
Adulterant tests are even built in to some of our urine drug tests. This is really something special and it helps to prevent “cheating” on their drug testing results. The truth is, though, that some people really do not understand how hard it is to get past a good quality screening test, especially those implemented by CMM Technology.
Social lines of protest would be drawn in response to carelessness taken by an employer against their subordinate. It’s funny that it never seems to be the other way around. This is because, as the party responsible for the care and safety of your workers, you have a job to ensure their safety and wellbeing at all times. So, if one of their fellow workers decides to get high and show up and injure someone, on purpose or accidentally, you as their boss are responsible.
CMM Technology distributes a fine array of drug testing equipment, including oral fluid drug tests and our popular Rapid STAT saliva drug test. Of course, our methods are to ensure every single employee of an accurate and fair reading without discrimination based upon judgment or opinion or anything else unscientific.
When it comes to social lines of protest, you as the employer bear a heavy responsibility on your shoulders. CMM Technology is here to help you carry that burden and to receive accurate results from your workers’ drug testing results. Try our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 when you try our products.
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Friday, 6 December 2013

Small Acts of Closeness

Urine Drug Test
Some people want an excuse to get closer to their spouses or partners. Some people want an excuse to draw away from their close friendships. Closeness is subjective, the need for it is fluid, and the use of closeness must be handled very carefully. Getting too close too fast can lead to irritation, or even contempt. The trick is to be aware of the connection between you and the other person at all times. When they draw near to you, draw near to them, but a bit slower. When they pull away, watch to see if there is a desire for you to push or to leave them alone.
Closeness is so highly subjective, and is yet an art form with which anyone can become intimately acquainted. If you learn the art of closeness, then you are learning a valuable lesson in human relations. My writing is enjoyable to me, all of it. There is a fine line between closeness and codependency, and that line consists of how you see the other person.
Do you see them separate from yourself, or as part of yourself? Codependency is based upon using the other person to fill yourself up and make yourself a whole person, rather than the incomplete person which you are or feel like you are when you are by yourself. Closeness, on the other hand, is based upon two individual who choose to overlap parts of themselves, but not all of themselves, in order to experience the other person and share their own lives at the same time. there is still a big distinction between closeness and codependency.
Allow your employees to become close, without getting to close, through the use of employee drug testing. When someone abuses substances on the jobsite, they are isolating themselves from everyone else, even people they share the experience with. Screening tests are available to help you discern who is bringing their distorted perspectives into the workplace and who is not. Drug testing in Western Australia is dependent upon these screening tests.
And where do you get them?
Drug test equipment of every kind is available through CMM Technology.
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Thursday, 5 December 2013

Setting High Goals and Meeting Them

Urine Drug Test
Urine Drug Test
For many, employee drug testing is seen as a passive, preventative measure. It is not seen as actively stopping employees from abusing substances while on the jobsite. Well, that is a good thing, because everyone needs to have enough room to work and to feel free in their jobs. Drug testing is, indeed, meant to identify those who are abusing drugs or alcohol at work so that they can be fired or remonstrated and so that the business can maintain a healthy, clean environment for everyone.
Passive, preventative measures are extremely effective when setting high goals and meeting them. Think of screening tests like a safety net which is installed to prevent the acrobats from killing themselves if they make a mistake. For some companies, one mistake means instant firing, and for others, three mistakes are allowed before the worker is dismissed.
Whatever the case, in your situation, set high goals for your employees. This way, they have something really important to shoot for every day when they are working. Meeting these goals may even seem unrealistic, but that is what teamwork is for. It is meant to help people brainstorm together and divide seemingly impossible tasks up for everyone to be able to contribute a meaningful amount to the project. Whether you are in advertising or consulting or marketing, setting high goals means not only more money for the company itself but for everyone involved in the process.
Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 is meant to be one of these aforementioned safety nets on your rise to new and better opportunities. Drug testing is meant to help you sift through your employees effectively. All types of screening tests can be found at CMM Technology. Our goal is to help create and set up this safety net. Our products are high quality, portable, and very effective. That means that you can use drug test equipment from CMM Technology in every branch of your international company, if you want. We are that reliable.
The great thing about Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 is that it is both a drug test kit and an adulterant test at the same time.
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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Self Sufficiency and the New Worksite

Today, you are able to be more self sufficient in your work with less community involvement because of the advances in technology and the ability to distribute and manufacturing products on an individual basis.
Self sufficiency has also never been more rewarding. Now, you can make and create and idealize just about anything, dream it into reality, mass produce it, and make a killing off of it. Money is available from every part of the globe, and thanks to the foreign exchange market, currencies have never been more liquid.
This is the time to produce great products, get rich off of it, and understand markets and how they will behave in a global environment, not just in a nation’s specific environment.
The new worksite has global communications which cost little or nothing at all. Cloud commuting means getting up, going to work from your computer, and getting projects done outside of the office, from anywhere in the world. Businesses seek to handle their projects on a highly personalized platform, and all of this is available through the world wide web.
Drug test equipment is still needed for companies which work together in the same office. The idea is to not only provide safety for other employees who work in the same office as a potential abuser, but also to protect company assets from people who would be desperate or cunning enough to embezzle. Those without morals are likely to have fewer morals due to their altered brain chemistry. Drug addiction and alcoholism are two very dangerous, very degrading diseases.
They take the human out of you.
They rob you of the last shred of individual spark or spirit you might have left.
CMM Technology not only provides these drug tests kits, but also breathalyser devices and a NATA Accredited breathalyser recalibration service for equipment which you may already have up and running. We seek to bring even more self sufficiency to your current worksite through the use of employee drug testing, which enables you to effectively evaluate your staff members.
This is no small job. We take it very seriously.
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Sunday, 1 December 2013

Running Out of Time: Working Under Pressure

Working under pressure can be very difficult. While some people thrive on the pressure that the job creates, others seek low stress, low maintenance jobs which don’t require a lot of on-the-spot thinking. Deadlines are important and pressure is often necessary, but when there is something on the line like your livelihood, your home or your family, the pressure can be too much.
What do you do?
The first thing to do is to take a deep breath. Time will seem to go slower after you do, and you will feel more in control over the work that you have to do.
Secondly, remember that even life and death situations are not always truly life and death. So, if you make a mistake or cause a delay, just pick yourself back up and keep working. There is no reason to give up after one mistake. If we all did that, none of us would have learned how to read and write.
Pressure can build up and seem almost stifling if you let your fear or the “what ifs” swirl around in your head. My uncleanness breaks down into usable productivity. When you run out of time, you can feel like a failure and like the whole thing is too late. However, in most cases, a little delay won’t hurt matters at all, much less enough to cause a problem. It’s okay to keep working.
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Pressures can be very difficult to deal with, and you will only want to retain employees who can handle the stress and grow to even use the pressure to help themselves accomplish their tasks. Whatever the case, you must know if everyone is fit for duty. You must know if everyone is prepared for the next deadline. To find out more information, call us today.
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