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Friday, 29 November 2013

Raised Voices

Raised voices are the ultimate expression of fighting, arguing or dissatisfaction. Raised voices tell children that mommy and daddy are fighting, and raised voices put employees on edge when they are trying to fulfill their duties at work. Raise voices are one of the most common stress inducers on the earth.
So what do you do if your employees are raising their voices at each other? The first thing you must do is determine if there is an actual immediate problem. If there is, then be sure to deal with it right away. If, however, your employees are just being petty and juvenile just because they want to, you might consider doing some drug testing of your entire staff. Rampant fighting and bickering often happens when employees are abusing substances. It is an outlet for their newly found self discontent. It is dangerous and it is destructive. You need to know if this is happening, and for that you will need drug test equipment.
Drug test kits from CMM Technology are a great way to complete the evaluation of your employees, and to bring them together in a cohesive piece of information that you can see and read. Employee evaluations are often fraught with subjective opinions or questionnaires which cannot give a true picture of what their performance was like. It is important for employees to know that they are both wanted and protected. This is not possible in an environment where substance abuse runs rampant. It is necessary to be informed at all times of when and if someone is abusing drugs or alcohol.
Raised voices are just a symptom. Through employee drug testing, using things like our Rapid STAT salivadrug test, you can see what the problem really is. If your alcohol breathalyser need to be recalibrated, we even have a recalibration service which can do your equipment too, and not just our own. Whatever it is that you have need of, bring your request to our website and we will find you something that will take care of your drug testing needs. Alcohol tests are available, too. Remember, don’t look at the symptoms. Look for the cause of disturbance in the workplace.
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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Pulling Out The Thorn

Anybody who has ever had the slightest twinge of withdrawal symptoms can tell you that seeking help and recovery seems to just be too much. If there has ever been anything more than a twinge, but rather very real cravings for the drug of your choice, then you will understand how important it is for the help to begin as soon as possible. Just like pulling out a thorn, it must be done sooner rather than later, and quickly rather than slowly.
Sometimes, when recovering from a particularly bad bout of withdrawal, it can be really helpful to pull out the thorn, so to speak, as a way to distract the mind from withdrawal symptoms. Many people believe in the power of distraction, but scientists have proven that distraction is not so much drawing the attention somewhere else as it is building new and different brain patterns in your head which do not include abuse among their daily thought patterns.
This means that you really have to understand the benefit of distractions, understand how powerful they are, and therefore choose the replacement for your addiction very carefully. If you change out one addiction for another, such a drug addiction for alcohol drinking, or alcohol drinking for cigarette smoking, you are simply shifting aspects without actually dealing with the underlying problem. You must find a healthy way of getting out of your old habits, and that includes exercise, marathon training, swimming, eating good food, and spending time among non-addicted but very sociable friends.
In the meantime, business health can still be maintained by employee drug testing on a regular basis, when you think it is most likely to help. Some companies implement drug testing on a bi-monthly basis, some on a monthly routine, and some on a weekly schedule. The point is that all of your employees must be accurately tested, and you cannot do this without proper urine drug test and oral fluid drug tests from CMM Technology. We here at CMM Technology really believe in our products, and we are accredited by NATA for breathalyser calibration. Go ahead. Pull out the thorn. Get your employee drug testing program on its way.
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Promiscuity and Drug Addiction

Promiscuity has been considered to be a societal problem by conservative societies and a much smaller problem by more liberal, free thinking societies. Whatever the case, many terms combine the idea of promiscuity and drug addiction together in one statement or label, such as “crack whore,” and so on. The idea is that if someone is truly addicted to drugs, they will do anything to get them, including selling their bodies.
Also, the logic often runs in reverse, as well.
Many people think that if someone is promiscuous, their emotions are so messed up that they have to resort to drugs and alcohol in order to mask their pain of being alone.
The truth is that while both ideas are inherently true, there are usually other underlying circumstances which cause people to resort to one or the other. When a child does not develop a healthy attitude toward their own self esteem and their bodies with their parents, they may feel more valuable when other people look at their “wares,” so to speak. When someone never experienced a stable home environment growing up or they are enduring vast amounts of overwhelming stress for a long period of time, drugs and alcohol are easy tools to use and feel instantly better.
The correlation between drug addiction and promiscuity can actually have several links and several pathways tying them together.
At CMM Technology, we seek to improve the professionalism in your company by providing high quality drug test equipment to your worksite at any time. You can order from us as often as you would like and you can try out different drug test equipment to see what suits your workplace the best. We invite you to order sample amounts from us before placing large bulk orders, so that you can pick the equipment which suits your workplace the best.
We also provide a breathalyser recalibration service, in addition to alcohol tests and urine drug test. It is important to keep professionalism and promiscuity separate. It is also important to keep employee substance abuse and your jobsite separate, as well.
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Monday, 25 November 2013

Knowledge and the Illusive Wisdom

What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? Knowledge involves facts and experience and data and patterns which you are able to put together to form a conclusive whole. Wisdom is the ability to read between the lines and understand what all of this information means.
Knowledge is information.
Wisdom is the ability to learn from that information.
What happens when an employee fails a screening test under a new manager? Depending upon the personality type of the manager, they may do anything from threaten or fire the employee to calling it to your attention. Even if it is a small matter which is to be expected, such as after the night of an office party or some such occasion, there is still doubt about how hard or how soft to be on that employee.
Everyone has their separate opinion.
What you need, regardless of your choice in this matter, is accurate data. To receive this data, you will need to use high quality drug test kits and alcohol breathalyser devices. What else could matter, other than the administration and technical accuracy of the tests? You must have a competent staff on hand to administer the tests, but the equipment itself must be top notch. What do you do?
At CMM Technology, we pride ourselves on our ability to create and maintain a high quality drug test equipment operation here in Australia. Drug testing in Western Australia is better because of us, though we ship our products nationwide. Fortunately, many companies value our products and have standing orders with us. We would be honored to earn your trust and business, too.
Of course, knowledge comes from the information found about our products on our website. Wisdom comes from trying our products out and determining how effective they really are. We are not scared. Go ahead and try us out. We want you to be confident in whom you purchase from. When you visit our website, be sure to select individual product pages, so that you can view more detail about each item. Then, when you’ve made your choice, give us a ring.
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Thursday, 21 November 2013

Keeping Supplied

At CMM Technology, we want to keep you supplied with good drug test equipment at all times. However, you are the only which can really keep track of what supplies you are low on or what you have plenty of. What do you do in this instance? Here we have named some quality supply tips which will help you to see where you are in the process and what you can do to keep yourself supplied appropriately with breathalyser devices or drug test kits.
First you want to take an inventory of your company. You need to know exactly how many employees work at your business, how many times on average they are tested, and what kind of testing equipment you currently have. If the numbers do not match up, get in touch with the appropriate departments and have them understand your plan to keep things running smoothly. At this point, communication with everyone is primary.
Secondly, determine just how you want to go about screening your employees, and what types of drug test equipment, breathalyser devices, or even recalibration services you will need in order to implement your plan or flow of screening operations.
Thirdly, you will need to get on our website, CMM Technology, and look for supplies which match your current needs. This may involve a wide variety of supplies, from saliva drug test to urine drug test. Whatever it is that you need, we can probably supply it for you.
Lastly, you will be getting in touch with us about your current order but, more importantly, you will be setting up a standard order with us so that you can keep supplied on a regular basis. This will match the plan that you have set up for the flow of drug testing operations. In addition to that, we recommend having a few extra supplies on hand for emergency or individual screening purposes.
Now that we have all that set up, all you have to do is go through your operation plan, see if there is anything which needs tending to right away, and contact us with your current and future order plans.

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Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Just My Type

Have you ever had a situation where you were working with someone with whom you got along really well? There seems to be a strong connection between the two of you, as if you understand each other perfectly and can read each other’s minds. This can happen pretty often in many offices and worksites. This is also where the meeting of the minds can foster a false expectation about someone else’s beliefs and perspectives.
When someone seems to think like you do in every way, you can form the belief that they really DO think like you do in every way! Of course, even identical twins (while having many things in common) are different individuals with different perspectives on things. It can be so hard to find someone with whom you feel that connected that, when it arrives, you can begin making all kinds of assumptions about what they believe or how they think.
This phenomenon is understandable.
However, when an employee abuses drugs or alcohol, they can begin to see things as this way in every part of their minds. They can believe that of course everyone agrees with them in how things should be and that they are being suppressed because of their drug use. If anyone does show themselves to disagree, these addicts can then assume that these people are against them, i.e. the enemy.
Obviously, this is a distorted mindset. You must maintain professionalism, not to mention protect your company’s assets against any form of liability, by identifying problems before they become really big issues. You can do this through drug testing and of course drug test equipment. CMM Technology maintains a devotion to workplace professionalism, and we carry high quality drug test kits, like our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6, as well as other screening tests. We appreciate what is done for employees everywhere by the products we distribute all over Australia. Drug testing in Western Australia is now easier than ever, thanks to our products. We think that our urine drug test and other items are great for giving you the information you need to run your business well.
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Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Interview with a Fully Recovered Addict

This is a real interview with a real, fully recovered former meth addict:
Q: How long were you a meth addict?
A: Since I was about seventeen, so for over ten years.
Q: What brought you into the addiction?
A: Well, at first, I didn’t think much of people who did hardcore drugs. I was mostly into weed, and some of the smaller scale stuff. But then, it became a matter of who was tough enough to try the hard stuff.
Q: So, you’re saying that peer pressure challenged how strong you were based upon how “hard” the drugs were?
A: Absolutely. I mean, I still did it. I still take responsibility for everything I did. But, on the other hand, I wanted to do it for different reasons than the reasons I ended up doing it for later.
Q: What changed your behavior from drug abuse to addiction?
A: The drug itself changed everything. I started getting real paranoid about everything, quit my job, didn’t see my family the same way at all. I still don’t. The whole thing messed me up real bad. My brain started thinking differently than it did before.
Q: You mentioned not seeing your family the same way. What do you mean by saying that you still don’t?
A: I forgot my personality. I don’t remember who I used to be or how I used to think. My brain has essentially been wiped clean of emotional memory. It’s real bad. My wife says she doesn’t recognize me anymore. She likes the new me, since I’m not using anymore, but I’m not the same guy she fell in love with twenty years ago.
Q: If you could tell your younger self something, what would it be?
A: I don’t know. I don’t think there’s anything you can tell a kid to scare him bad enough to never do that. It’s always been that way, that I know of. I can’t think of anything that I could say to the younger me to get me to stop or to never do it.
To understand more about employee drug testing or to order drug test kits from CMM Technology, call us at this number.
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Monday, 18 November 2013

Impossible Dreams

Employee drug testing has become a convenient service that businesses can employ to help keep their staff from running too rampant…or so it seems. Unless it’s a high hazard industry, employee drug testing is not taken very seriously by people who employ it these days. Sometimes, we forget why we do what we do and retain a vague impression of the process itself. When the “process” occurs away from us, we often forget the significance, requirement, protection, and common sense of the drug testing ritual.
What many business owners do not understand these days is that drug testing is the beginning of achieving impossible dreams. When the people who work for you are right, then your company is correct and in good form. This is called fitness. When someone acts up or abuses their position in the business, this brings the bad behavior or mental unrest out in everyone. Mental rest is important in maintaining a proper employee environment. That is why drug test kits must be high quality and accurate.
Oral fluid drug tests and alcohol breathalyser make the process easy to implement. Onsite drug testing makes it even easier by doing it all at your place of business. Your employees aren’t animals. They understand the process by which you screen who is abiding by company policies and who is not. They understand their role in the drug testing process very well. Drug testing in Western Australia is thriving, partly due to drug test equipment that is living up to par. There must be a lot of businesses which do not realize how important good screening tests are to the process. And, really, businesses would be able to reach for those impossible dreams if they strove just a little harder and if they implemented basics like drug testing all the time. Many world class companies win in the marketplace because they implement the basics better and more frequently than anyone else. This commitment to the basics can easily be one of the reasons why these companies have reached and remained at the top. For more information regarding drug test equipment by CMM Technology, call us today.
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Saturday, 16 November 2013

How Reliable is Your Drug Test Equipment?

If you are wondering how reliable your drug test equipment, the obvious thing would be to check out our website, CMM Technology, and order new supplies which you can be assured have high quality readability results. However, in case you’d like to go through your old equipment and just make sure that it is up to date, then we’d suggest trying these tactics:
Does the equipment give wildly erratic readings? If the data from your current equipment seems to be quite erratic, then there may be something wrong with the age or condition of the equipment. However, if it is nice and steady on the readings, then it may be adequate enough to suit your needs.
Is it difficult to use and operate your equipment? Often, outdated drug test equipment is awkward and difficult to use and understand. If there is an inherent difficulty in the use of and implementation of your current equipment, then you may be better off with something newer and more up to date. If it is easy to use, then move on to the next question.
Do all the results skew toward one or the other side of what should be the average results? Sometimes, old and worn drug tests can be generally skewed throughout all of their scores. This, of course, leads to inaccurate results, and your equipment is not up to par. If, however, everything seems to stay within a reasonable area of results, then your equipment may be accurate and up to date.
Now, if you’re really looking to take away all doubt, then buy your drug test equipment from CMM Technology. All of our tests are modern and up to date, accurate and reliable. We want you to take satisfaction in the fact that you are buying from a reputable company which leads drug testing in Western Australia. We are proud of what we do and why we do it. For more information, visit our website and check out all of the different products we have available. To order, pick up the phone and give us a call today at.

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Friday, 15 November 2013

Homo Scorn and Emotional Freedom

Whether you are born that way or choose to live a homosexual lifestyle, it really doesn’t matter. Emotions can run high if you are publicly or privately scorned for being a homosexual. In fact, you can really draw some bad people into your life if you are constantly exposed to this ridicule and then become used to it.
Many people all over the world who are homosexual endure a great deal of pain and judgment due to their sexual orientation. However, if you know yourself well enough to know where and how you are sensitive to criticism, then you can make yourself really available to positive and neutral feedback and avoid the negative feedback or stress triggers altogether.
In fact, everyone should have this level of self awareness, so that they can make their lives flow smoothly in the right direction. It is all a part of doing what is right and good for yourself, rather than continually catering to the wants and needs of everyone else first.
This mentality often permeates the workplace, especially among lower level employees. There is a societal stigma against tending to your own needs first rather than making sure you are strong first before tending to the needs of others. And the poor to lower-middle classes are continuously starving themselves to help other people and everyone goes hungry in the end.
You have to take care of yourself first, and this is the first step in living a drug free or alcohol free life.
Whether you are homosexual or heterosexual, there is a certain amount of self preservation which is at stake here. If you abuse substances, then you are taking away your own ability to protect and guard yourself from outside influence. Believe me, outside influence gains unbearable sway of your life when you are too weak to resist the drink or the drug.
In the workplace, employee drug testing can help to avoid or at least ascertain any drug abuse which may occur. For example, CMM Technology distributes urine drug tests and saliva drug test all over Australia. We also provide other screening tests, such as alcohol tests, and a NATA accredited recalibration service.
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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Here Today, Vanished Tomorrow

The sample of drug addicted people who have visited counselor’s offices and receive treatment is but a small number of the total number of people who suffer from this. The problem with being an addict is similar to keeping still on a mud slide. You may dig your fingers and toes into the slide, you may try with all of your might to gain traction, but the whole time you are quickly and decidedly oozing down the slide, whether you want to or not.
For non-addicts, it is very easy to gain traction on their lives. They are able to look at the situation, determine where it would be best to dig in their heels, and then do so, with force and assertion.
To live as an addict does, all the resources, all the savings, and all of the abilities to take control of their lives are used up every day, sometimes every hour. They cannot hold onto things, because they do not know how to protect what they value or how to let go of what they dislike. Everything seems backward in their world than it is in the worlds of non-addicts…and this is true.
Many people seek to control their companies by enforcing employee drug testing, but the truth is that you can only control the business operations themselves. You cannot control the people working in your company. Employee drug testing is meant to be an evaluative procedure, not some sort of enforcement. Screening tests cannot prevent your workers from abusing substances. They can only tell you if anyone is doing so.
At CMM Technology, we know how difficult it is to juggle different personalities and different goals among your subordinates. We know how often the whole process seems out of control. That is why we distribute drug test equipment and alcohol tests to businesses all over Australia. As a NATA accredited company, CMM Technology is here to help you with your drug test equipment needs. We provide oral fluid drug tests, like our Rapid STAT saliva drug test, as well as breathalyser devices and even a recalibration service. Our professionalism makes sure that your employees are not here today, gone tomorrow.
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Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Turnaround employees are workers who either leave and come back frequently or who jump from job to job on a regular basis. Whatever the scenario looks like, they are not considered a stable, reliable employee because they are never fully nor wholly tied to your business, and they certainly don’t seem to want to be. They are here today, gone tomorrow.
These people are naturally people of movement. Their greatest strength doesn’t lie in stability but in movement and turning, whirling, cycles like the wind. Many of these people may typify the Japanese elemental energy of air. That is just another way of looking at it.
Turnaround employees also cost the business a lot of money and it is best to reduce the amount of employee turnover as much as possible. For example, if your worker turnaround rate is high, then your business is paying for temp costs, hiring costs, startup job fees, and it is paying for overtime for current employees who have to do the temp’s work if none are to be found. That’s a lot of money, especially when you add it up. It is much better to implement employee drug testing, plan ahead, and save yourself a lot of money and a lot of drama.
Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 is one of our more popular drug test kits. However, at CMM Technology, we have drug test equipment to match your every need and desire. No matter how many employees you have, what you are looking for, or even if you need a breathalyser recalibration service, we have everything you could possibly need.
We are here to stay. Your turnaround employees cost you both time and money. We will save you both time and money. Your turnaround employees cost you peace of mind and dependability. We will be both dependable and reliable. Our costs are a lot less than it takes to replace or deal with the cost of a turnaround employee. Our service is sincere and geared toward long term business to business commitment. Our products are here to serve.
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Monday, 11 November 2013

Getting In Touch with Your Inner Addict

Employee drug testing is meant to be a tool which properly and scientifically evaluates your employees. However, it cannot be used as a preventative tool. Each and every person in this world has some sort of weakness in them which prevents them from doing everything they set their minds to and which causes them to avoid certain aspects of their self growth over time. If you can get “get in touch with your inner addict,” so to speak, you can really bring a lot of happiness to yourself and others, but being honest with yourself about your weaknesses and faults.
The most difficult weaknesses to get rid of are not ones of which we are fully aware. Instead, they are weaknesses with which we avoid dealing at all costs. This might be bad parenting skills, or verbal abuse in your relationships, or it could even be parts of yourself that you are afraid to develop, because you are afraid of who you might become or what others will think of you.
All of these are normal human emotions. All of these are techniques in why we sometimes grow and sometimes just atrophy in our current growth as people. Fear and dread, desire and fulfillment, and satisfaction and greed are all fighting each other within ourselves for the upper hand. There is not basic dark and light side to the creature called human. It is all a mix and morph of different emotions, rational and irrational, and we are all meant to fix ourselves, because there is simply no time to fix anyone else.
CMM Technology brings you this evaluative tool called drug testing in order that you may be able to see what is going on in the inner workings of your business. We carry breathalyser devices, are NATA accredited for breathalyser recalibration, and we also carry drug test kits, such as our popular Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6. All of these tools are for your benefit, but they cannot control the employees they evaluate. None of these are meant to be threatening in any way, only accurate. To learn about how employee drug testing can help you with your inner business examination, call CMM Technology now.
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Friday, 8 November 2013

For Those of Us with Legitimate Jobs

Our work is often our second home. Our jobs or careers are our babies, which we carefully tend and nurture until they take off on their own and we reap the benefits. Those of us who are gainfully employed consider our work to be part our very essence. We believe that our jobs are valuable to the community and that we are all a part of this wonderful mix of people and productivity.
For this reason, some of us may view employee drug testing with more reverence and respect than others do. Employee drug testing has a certain civilized feel about it which those of us with legitimate jobs completely understand. It is this civilizing effect which makes us value drug testing so much. Sure, we may complain rather often about having to go get tested, but we would rather everyone be screened than for someone dangerous or out of control to enter our clean, wedding cake world.
This is the mindset of many people and it is fully justified. It is good that people often find themselves in uncomfortable positions or difficult places in life, but not if it entails being stressed out by the thought of going to work in the morning. That is one place where work and productivity should hold sway over emotional upheaval.
Drug test equipment in a reliable business must be extremely accurate and reliable over the long term. It must fulfill its function and do so in a user friendly way. It must present accurate data which can then be collected and used by you to make decisions about your hiring and firing choices, as well as recommendations for Employee Assistance Programs.
CMM Technology is dedicated to the fine art of scientific evaluation, and our products reflect this obsession with accuracy. We are NATA accredited for breathalyser calibration, we carry a range of drug test kits, including saliva and urine drug tests, and we are part of the Australian marketplace which helps other businesses become stronger, more resilient, and better all around. To find out more about what our products can do, visit our website or talk to one of our charming agents today.
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Flighty Workers

Flighty or flaky employees can be really irritating to people who tend to think in logical, well defined terms. Flightiness is very hard to eradicate from someone. They seem to be flighty all the time, and no amount of reasoning and logic can convince them to put their feet on the ground. Such occasions are quite common, and many flighty people find themselves in careers or in families which are very low key, low pressure, and people oriented, with plenty of acceptance for everyone.
What happens when someone acts flighty when they are not actually so? This is an example of someone who is manipulating the trusting people around them to trust them, too. They are seen as a good person, even though everyone has a “feeling” that there’s something not quite right with them, and they are accepted by a whole set of people who are both gullible and in the habit of accepting people, so they almost can’t help themselves.
Fortunately, employee drug testing has enabled businesses to remove this particular doubt from the scene by showing business owners who is abusing substances on the jobsite and who is not. Even if the business owner is flighty, too, they can still easily enforce legality and company liability protection by showing the employee in question that their behavior is being monitored and that any more unprofessional actions while on the jobsite will result in the termination of their employment.
In the end, flighty people tend to stay where they feel the safest. This is where your use of high quality screening tests will help in making your business place more enjoyable for everyone. Our saliva drug test and urine drug test are just some of the screening tests that we here at CMM Technology provides companies which are looking for employee drug testing solutions. In order to find out more about how we operate and how you can order, feel free to visit our website, check out our sister site, Mediscreen, which provides onsite testing services, and be sure to order enough drug test kits for your entire staff. If you are thinking about implementing drug testing solutions, call CMM Technology today.

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Monday, 4 November 2013

Diseases of Prediction

When you look at the diseases which are common to drug abusers, there are some names which almost always spring to your mind. AIDS, Herpes, HIV, and the Staph Infection are all examples of diseases which are readily associated with drug abuse.
Why is this the case?
The answer lies in how drug addicts transfer these diseases to one another. In another article, we discussed diseases and promiscuity, and the subject arose that many drug addicts are so desirous of their “fix” that they will do anything in order to get their drugs, even sell themselves on the street. This means that people who are not careful about their sexual activities are most likely to get diseases which are deadly or permanent. This lack of social awareness and lack of proper checking up on their partner leads to serious consequences.
AIDS and HIV are related and they often kill the person, either quickly and young, or slowly over time and painfully. This means that being loose with your body can really cost you in the end.
The same thing applies with your mind and emotions.
When drug addicts contract diseases which are predictable among drug abusing communities, the added stress of the sickness can lead to further drug abuse. HIV can easily be contracted by sharing needles when injecting drugs into their system. There are so many ways in which the filth and grime of the streets can get inside the world of a true drug addict and permeate their air and their clothing with sickness and disease.
While you may not be able to check all of your employees for contagious diseases before hiring them, you can at least help to control the problem by implementing very legal company policies to enforce employee drug testing while on the worksite. This is really helpful in the situations where you are not sure about a particular employee, but you are worried about singling someone out or discriminating against someone just based upon your suspicions.
Don’t be in the dark.
Order urine drug test and other types of screening tests from CMM Technology. Try out our Lifeloc FC10 breathalyser device.
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