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Monday, 30 September 2013

Seasonal Preparation

Companies and years and marketplaces go through cycles which layer in different times throughout the year. Seasonal preparation for your business can involve insulation, building renovation, employee drug testing, employee evaluation, prices reductions or increases, and permanent mergers. You never know when you will need something altered to fit the season, the weather, the time of year in celebrations, or just to fit your boss’s leaving the company because he was…unpleasant. Seasonal preparation makes life run smoothly and it makes people be better able to enjoy the course of their days and the day’s work.
Making things flow smoothly from season to season and from celebration to ritual requires a great deal of forethought, and not just your average planning. Forethought involves thinking about eventualities and things which could possibly occur to disrupt events and cause problems.
Drug testing is not the least of the solutions available for the manager or executive who is looking ahead. There is so much available to choose from in drug test equipment. For instance, at CMM Technology, there are different types of urine drug test and oral fluid drug tests which can fit your specific needs. One of our drug test kits even has an adulterant test built right into it.
Drug testing in Western Australia is already improving thanks to high quality drug test equipment. Make it improve that much more by utilizing the help of some of the products available at CMM Technology.
Seasonal preparation involves planning ahead and knowing what past actions and forethought created either problems or solutions. Obviously, drug testing at different times in the past kept employees from being able to guess when it would come, which is always an advantage. In fact, drug testing on a regular basis is great, but planning it for different times throughout the month each month can really initiate a surprise effect. For each situation, you’ll have high quality drug test equipment at your side to be ready for use whenever you need it. This is a great advantage to have on hand for those times when an unplanned test is given to everyone to make sure that things are still going smoothly off schedule. 
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Thursday, 26 September 2013

Screening Tests and Employee Rants

Employees rant about drug testing all the time. This is nothing new. In fact, for as long as drug testing and alcohol test have been administered, there have been employees who have ranted about it. This is completely normal and is practically to be expected. However, if employees complain the types of drug tests used or the efficacy or accuracy of the drug test kits, then you might have a real problem on your hands. You would not, after all, want to spend money and time on employee drug testing if the screening tests do not perform in an accurate way.
To make sure that your employees are fit for duty and to actually ensure that you receive accurate results from their tests, be sure to buy your drug test equipment from CMM Technology. We know that you have a lot on your mind. We know that you are in no position to try out different types of screening tests every time you need to know how accurate they are. That would be unreasonable, extremely time consuming, and you should not have to do your own research.
Now that we have established that it is not your job to make things happen, we would like to throw our hat into the ring, so to speak. We want to be your business. We want to provide you with our high quality urine drug tests, saliva drug tests, and breathalyser devices.
We know that you are busy. We know that you are already listening to one or two employees rant about having to be tested. This is normal and you expect it, of course. Now, all you have to think about are the test results. If you have to worry about the accuracy of the test results, then you have a problem. This is, however, not an issue. When you use CMM Technology for your provider, you are looking at an excellent distributor and we will send you the best equipment you can buy, and we will recalibrate any equipment which you may still be using, in the meantime.
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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Screening and Employees’ Goals and Objectives

It’s always a relief when the business you work for has the same goals and objectives as you do. That way, you can rise through the company, while also becoming the person you want to become. It is a real life fulfilling thing when you can have this, as well as solid fulfilling work relationships or friendships, at the same time. The professionalism which comes out of this is sincere and amiable. There are many people who do not accomplish all that they wish to in life because their goals and their jobs are not in alignment with each other.
Help your employees to accomplish their goals in life by providing them with a safe working environment and enough stability so that they can begin to plan ahead and become more aware of their surroundings and their own personal growth. Part of building this healthy growing environment is using drug testing on a regular basis. Many businesses underestimate the value of employee drug testing and they may not understand how much employees and their attitudes affect one another. In a working environment, people who are highly motivated and doing well are far more likely to be affected by a negative attitude than people who are somewhere in the middle and are just used to tuning it out. A person who is in the middle of growth and goal accomplishment is standing on slightly less sure footing than someone who is not really trying to accomplish any goals.
CMM Technology and our range of drug test equipment can really help you in creating this safe working environment. We also provide personal breathalyser devices and we provide a breathalyser recalibration service, which serves your old and your new equipment. Our oral fluid drug tests are top notch, and our reputation is secure. We value our customers and we know how important business-to-business relationships can be for the Australian economy and our job security. Therefore, we challenge you to check our product pages, and then to call us up and place an order on the phone.
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Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Looking for a Way Out

When someone abuses drugs or alcohol, they are looking for a way out. Unfortunately, this is not exactly what they are doing with their pain. They mask their pain, so that they don’t have to feel it anymore. However, they see substance abuse as a way to escape. All addicts take this very seriously, and they all see their pain as being so great as to be worthy of escaping.
Well, that’s not entirely true.
Any pain which humans endure can be endured for as long as it takes to work through the pain and then to release it. When it is not worked through, however, the individual remains in pain for a much longer period than they were supposed to have. Then, in order to escape it, they resort to substance abuse.
Once again, they are not actually escaping it. They are only masking it.
Business employees must be able to deal with unforeseen circumstances and to handle situations as they arise. If they cannot do this, then they are only dragging down everyone else as they are attempting to get things done. The thing is that many employees who are addicts are also extremely talented at passing the blame on to someone else.
Once the blame is passed, it is very difficult to find out truly who was the originator of all the slack in productivity.
Therefore, you really need employee drug testing.
If all of your employees are given screening tests on a regular basis, then everyone is evaluated at the same time and they all must comply with your company policies. Then, you can determine if there are some people who are abusing substances and some who are not. By using simple, unbiased scientific data, you can really get a more accurate picture of what is going on between employees.
Come to CMM Technology for your drug testing equipment. Drug testing in Western Australia has never been so easy. We provide you with all of the alcohol test and drug test kits, and we even provide a breathalyser recalibration service, too. Whatever your preference, we are here for you when you need to find out who is loyal to your business and who is looking for a way out.
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Friday, 20 September 2013

Typical Evasive Responses of D&A Abusers

Employers know they have an important responsibility to maintain a duty of care in the workplace. They also recognize that the workplace and its people accrue many benefits from a drug and alcohol free workplace. The benefits include lower health care expenses, higher productivity, higher quality work performance, safer working conditions, and many others.1 These are all reasons why they care about workplace substance use and why they adhere to random drug and alcohol testing programs. So what should an employer say when exercising that duty of care, discovers a worker has tested positive for methamphetamines, shows the test results to the worker, and is told, “It’s your fault that I use drugs because it is so stressful working here.”

It can be disconcerting when supervisors or managers deal with drugs and alcohol and find themselves with the worker finger pointing right back at them. Employers are human, after all, and have feelings and most truly care about safety, workforce health, and following the law. These types of issues are seldom discussed because emotions are not supposed to have a place in a drug and alcohol enforcement program. However, one of the attributes of many chronic drug and alcohol users is the ability to manipulate because they get practiced at covering up their actions. Since most people really do care about important workplace issues, it creates a perfect scenario for manipulators to turn the tables, go on the offensive, and try to play on the supervisor’s emotions.

Desperate People Saying Desperate Things

Supervisors are constantly warned to not confront employees suspected of being under the influence when alone. They should not announce suspicions or ask co-workers. However, when there is suspicion that substance use is impacting work performance, at some point it is necessary to talk to the employee. Be prepared! It is common for people to consciously or unconsciously try to turn the tables on the supervisor. As the old saying points out: Desperate people do desperate things.

The first step is talking to employees about their poor work performance. That is when the manipulation starts because the worker may get nervous you suspect drug or alcohol use. Sometimes, the drug and alcohol use is apparent and leads to for-cause testing. Sometimes random drug and alcohol testing detects use and the conversation starts with questions about substance abuse. In any case, a conversation usually takes place before any type of disciplinary action is imposed, and that is when it starts – manipulation.

The strategies vary. Supervisors need to be aware of the possible responses and recognize the attempts at self-protection. When work problems are pointed out or it is clear that drugs or alcohol are involved, typical responses include the following:2

  • I promise it won’t happen again. (apology)
  • I have so many problems at home and just need some understanding. (excuses)
  • Why don’t you ever question (co-workers, other department staff, managers) about their behaviour!? They make the same mistakes! (diversion)
  • You always were against me. (innocence)
  • I know you understand what it is like working here, and I need help. (sympathy)
  • It’s your fault I drink! If you ran this department more efficiently and paid us what we are worth, there would not be a need to drink. (anger)
  • I am so sorry and so upset. I can’t afford to lose my job. Please, please give me one more chance. (tears)
  • You know I am taking care of my elderly parents and am under a lot of stress. How can you do this to me right now on top of everything else I am dealing with? (pity)

Maintain Control of the Conversation

Workers must not be allowed to divert or take control of the conversation. Some managers and supervisors become enablers by refusing to deal with the substance abuse. Allowing workers to evade the problem will perpetuate substance use in the workplace and send the wrong message to co-workers. One thing that can be assumed in every situation is that most co-workers know about workplace drugs and alcohol long before the supervisors.

CMM Technology at facilitates the drug and alcohol testing program by offering a variety of supplies. Products include a range of high quality breathalyser, and saliva drug test supplies.

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Wednesday, 18 September 2013

One Change Leads to Another – Tweaking D&A Policies and Procedures

Once drug and alcohol (D&A) policies and procedures are in place, it is not unusual for employers to generally view them as fixed in stone. However, businesses experience changes on a regular basis. The changes are prompted by any of a number of events, including events in the economy, development of new technologies, and marketplace activities. Businesses expand, add new positions and locations, or discover in-house issues that must be addressed. Anytime a business makes significant decisions concerning operations or personnel, it is important to do a risk assessment and included in that assessment should be a review of the drug and alcohol policies and procedures to determine if they need updating.

It is not uncommon for businesses, especially smaller ones, to discover their D&A policies or procedures are out of date when an incident involving illicit substances or alcohol occurs. A common scenario involves an employer adding new safety sensitive positions and then failing to address those work activities in the D&A policy. Subsequently, a worker is injured due to substance use whilst on the job, and the employer wants to dismiss the person because of the seriousness of the act. There is a good chance the worker will file a complaint of harsh dismissal with the Fair Work Commission. The employer will probably spend thousands in legal fees and still lose if the policy is weak and has failed to establish a zero tolerance stance, did not specifically identify the position as safety sensitive, or does not have a clear disciplinary policy concerning workplace drug testing and alcohol use.

You Never Told Me...

Policies have important goals. They are designed to help employers meet legal obligations, promote consistent management decision-making, define behaviour expectations, and lay out the rules and consequences for violating the rules.1 When the policies are outdated or incomplete, they fail to achieve these goals. D&A policies should ensure that workers cannot say, “The policy did not include my position, “ or “The policy didn’t say I could be immediately dismissed, ” or “You never told me this position was considered safety sensitive.”

The sequence is that events, like adding new work activities, prompt a risk assessment. Employers do not have to wait for a particular though. Regular risk assessments should be conducted to make sure that all work activities that are particularly at risk of creating a hazard should workers use illicit substances or alcohol are identified. For example, positions that are asked to drive work vehicles or operate machinery are in safety sensitive jobs. Sometimes these types are duties are added to job responsibilities and can turn a non-safety sensitive job into a safety sensitive one.

A Dose of Reality

Incidences involving drugs and alcohol should also lead to immediate review of the D&A policies. Risk assessments conducted at any time lead to a review of the drug and alcohol policies and procedures. The pervasiveness of drugs and alcohol use in Australia creates conditions in which people are more sophisticated about getting the substances into the workplace. A security management firm in the U.S. wrote an article addressing this topic and pointed out that “..drug dealers in the workplace are becoming increasingly savvy and more difficult to identify. They may be long-time workers, new hires...or even temps...Yet many businesses...lack effective policies and training to prevent workplace substance abuse.”2

It may be tempting for Australian employers to be a bit complacent because of the geographic setting. However, what is happening in the U.S., Great Britain, France, and so many other countries is happening right here in Australia. No workplace is exempt from the threat of substance abuse.

No policy is set in stone because business conditions change. The important point is to manage risk and tweak policies and procedures to reflect the reality of the situation. Equally important is using high quality services like those provided by Mediscreen ( to ensure drug testing screenings are as accurate as possible.

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Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Learning from the World Drug Report 2012

A discussion on the costs versus the benefits of the war on drugs has been going on for decades now. There are approximately 30,000 Australian in jail for drug offences or for crimes committed related to drugs. A fourth of violent crimes are connected to illicit drugs.1 The question of whether criminalising drug use makes sense is a question that concerns society, but not the workplace in terms of a zero tolerance policy. Drug and alcohol use in the workplace threatens the safety of workers, so it really does not matter if there is a war on drugs or not. There is absolutely no room in the workplace for them. However, what does matter to employers is that substance abuse is a problem that is getting worse, and not better. That is the main message of the World Drug Report 2012, and everyone working to control drug and alcohol use can learn from it.

The World Drug Report 2012 prepared by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is filled with disturbing information. There are approximately 230 million people around the world using illicit drugs at least once a year. It also reports that .2 million people die from using hard drugs like heroin and cocaine. Drug trafficking is globally connected, with drugs flowing from continent to continent, country to country, and region to region. Of particular interest to Australian employers are the contemporary characteristics and patterns of drug manufacturing and drug use and their implications for the workplace.

Implication: No Place Left Untouched by Illicit Drugs

For example, more young males living in urban areas are using psychoactive substances. The implication for employers: Greater importance of pre-employment drug testing for everyone, including persons who are Australian-born and immigrants or guest workers. Another fact of importance in the World Drug Report 2012 is that opiate production has fallen over the last century, but in its place has been a significant increase in the cocaine market. Implication for drug testing: Using a multi-panel drug test like the Oraline Saliva Drug Screen in the random drug testing program is important. Another finding was that Australia and the United States have something in common – they both have over 1 percent of their populations using opioids (heroin, opium and non-medical use of synthetic opioids).2

The report goes on to define the fundamental characteristics of the illicit drug problem and drug use. One out of every twenty people use illegal drugs at least once a year. Statistically, an employer with a hundred employees will have five illicit drug users (aged 15 to 64) in the workplace. Oceania has high usage rates of cannabis, cocaine and amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS), and ecstasy use is growing. Other interesting facts include:

  • Persons dependent on illicit drugs are not discouraged by price increases, but will increase usage if market prices decline
  • Illicit drug markets are not limited by borders and a global drug economy has formed
  • Production of cannabis and ATS is decentralised globally
  • 90 percent of opiates are coming for South-West Asia which is the main source for Australia; the balance of opiates come from South-East Asia and Latin America
  • The main cocaine drug use markets are North and South America, Western Europe and Oceania
  • Australia estimates that illicit drug use annually costs 2.1 billion Australian dollars due to lost productivity

Implication: Random Drug Testing is Needed

This is just a brief summary of some of the highlights of the World Drug Report 2012. It is filled with detailed information concerning global patterns of drug production and use. Employers should read the full report to get an overall view of what is happening in the illicit drug world.

The implication of the report for employers is crystal clear: Random drug and alcohol test remains critical to maintaining a safe workplace. The integrity of random drug testing programs depends on using quality, stringently tested products like those supplied by CMM Technology (

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Friday, 13 September 2013

Drug and Alcohol Abuse in High Stress Industries (like Healthcare)

Work related mental stress is a devastating problem that negatively impacts staff productivity and contributes to people turning to drugs and alcohol in the hope of finding relief. That is unfortunate because the reality is that substance abuse intensifies stress, and stress is a known risk factor for the potential development of addiction. A number of brain imaging studies have shown that there are physiological reasons for this circular state. Ongoing stress alters brain activities, as does regular and chronic use of drugs. The net effect is that impulse controls, stress regulation, and compulsive drug seeking are enhanced, leading to people searching for relief. In other words, stress and drug and alcohol use partner to create greater vulnerability to addiction.i

There are some industries that are considered to have jobs that are more high stress than others. They include mining, engineering, aviation, and healthcare, to name the largest ones. Though all are high stress, there is admittedly something especially distressing about healthcare workers who abuse drugs and alcohol. They are responsible for the health of people who are completely dependent on their doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to make critical decisions.

Healthcare workers are mere humans, just like miners and engineers and pilots, and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) tribunal often deals with cases involving substance abuse. For example, in Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Mundy [2012] SAHPT 5, a nurse was convicted of drug trafficking offences involving meth, cannabis and diazepam. She admitted to being a meth user. Because the nurse was a repeat offender, the AHPRA imposed conditions that included a 3 month suspension, prohibition of the use of non-prescription medicines, and random urine drug test.

I Can Handle It”

A lot of effort has been put into trying to understand why doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, hospital aides, and other healthcare professionals and workers would abuse drugs and alcohol. The literature lists a number of reasons. There is obviously easy access to scheduled drugs. Healthcare staff work very long hours and deal with difficult, emotional cases every day, which contributes to mental stress.iii However, the problem is more complex than long work hours and easy drug access.

People have a difficult time understanding how trained medical professionals could become drug addicts or alcoholics. These are practitioners who are well aware of the dangers of substance abuse. Researchers have created a term that may describe the reason best – the intellectualisation of drug use. Educated healthcare professionals believe they can handle the drugs or alcohol because of, and not in spite of, understanding their impact on the body and mind. Doctors and nurses, in particular, tell themselves they can handle it and are above addiction. Clearly, they are not. It is difficult to find any specific numbers, but suffice it to say that based on the studies to date there is a strong indication that hundreds (and probably thousands) of Australian healthcare workers are abusing drugs and alcohol.

A Call for Random Drug Testing

There is a growing national call for random drug and alcohol testing of all healthcare professionals in hospitals and other facilities. As a minimum, random drug testing should be considered for any facility and in any industry where there is a known substance abuse problem.

Quality drug and alcohol testing equipment can be provided by CMM Technology ( which provides services across many industries, including healthcare. The right testing materials makes it easy to administer the program, thus promoting workplace safety and good decision-making.

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Wednesday, 11 September 2013

From a Health Intervention Perspective

“The key to effectively reducing harms is in striking an adequate balance between prevention and treatment.”1 Those words were written by Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs Council of Tasmania in a document submitted to the National Drug Strategy. Treating substance abuse is critical to human health, of course, but it is also dealing with a problem after it develops. Prevention, on the other hand, stops the problem from developing, but it is a strategy that involves communicating and working with people to educate them on the dangers of substance abuse in a society where drinking at an early age is common and illicit drug use in personal lives is growing. One of the main issues concerning prevention is how to reach the people in the first place, and that is where employers take a front line position.

The public costs associated with legal and illegal drugs and alcohol abuse are staggering. Harms associated with alcohol misuse alone are estimated to be more than $15 billion annually with almost $11 billion attributed to health and labour costs and the balance to loss of life through violence.2 There is also significant amounts of public funding invested in research, like the $24 million project announced in June 2012 involving a three-year project focusing on reducing harm from alcohol, workforce development and Indigenous substance misuse.3

Positive Reinforcement

Most people who use drugs and alcohol are employed, which means there are more millions borne by the employer. Therefore, it is employers who can be important partners with government in preventing substance abuse. One of the ideal approaches in the workplace is too incorporate drug and alcohol education and testing into a wellness program using a health intervention perspective. Helping people stay away from drugs and alcohol teaches them how to deal with work-life issues in a positive manner and brings obvious health benefits. Even the drug and alcohol testing process can be turned into a program of positive reinforcement for maintaining a healthy lifestyle at work and at home. Employers who educate workers and encourage a substance-free lifestyle are giving staff the tools they need to make informed decisions and access to resources.

Think of it like this: Employers have access to approximately 11.6 million people working for their businesses, organisations, and agencies. That is almost 12 million people who can attend sessions on occupational safety, healthy lifestyles, and drug and alcohol education seminars. That is almost 12 million people who can learn whether their perspective on drug and alcohol use is good for their health. People do not live at work. Theywill take home what they learn in work wellness programs and share information with spouses, children, extended family, and friends.

Right Place at the Right Time With the Right People

Workplace drug and alcohol testing should be presented as a component of a healthy lifestyle. Helping people make good choices is the core of any prevention program. Employers are in the right place at the right time and have access to the right people. It is a situation in which Australian society as a whole can win.

One of the most important features of any drug and alcohol test program is the quality of the equipment used. CMM Technology has easy-to-use and reliable supplies like the Rapid Stat , the Oral Cube Saliva Drug Test, and the Lifeloc FC10 handheld breathalyser that employers can count on to perform accurately.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Cannabis and Driving Do Not Mix

I only smoked a little weed. I can drive just fine.”

Cannabis doesn’t affect me like alcohol.”

Marijuana only lasts a few hours. I smoked it last night and didn’t have to be at work until Monday afternoon.”

These are typical statements that cannabis users make. They are along the lines of, “I only had a few drinks, and the effects have worn off by now.” People who use drugs and alcohol are experts at justifying their behaviours, which is human nature. When someone enjoys an activity, that person will go to great lengths to explain why it is okay to indulge. However, in the workplace, those assumptions, perspectives, and behaviours are safety threats. Workers who drive whilst under the effects of cannabis are as dangerous as drivers who drink and drive. Recent medical research has also reported that cannabis lasts much longer in the system than previously thought, meaning those weekend users may be a safety risk days after last use.

The effects of cannabis are not predictable because they differ from person to person. Factors influencing the effects are the quantity of drug used, how much THC is in the cannabis, whether it is smoked or eaten, and the psychological condition of the user. Driving ability is impacted because of reduced coordination; slower reaction times; mental confusion; slower brain functioning; and impairments to the senses and space and time perception. In the past, studies had proven that cannabis can lead to impairment for 5 to 24 hours, depending on the factors just mentioned.1

Detectable a Month Later

The 24-hour upper limit has often been quoted by opponents of workplace drug testing as justification for preserving worker rights to privacy. If a worker smokes cannabis at more than 24 hours before reporting to work, in theory the effects should not be an issue and therefore of no concern to the employer. If the worker does use cannabis within 24 hours before starting work, the employer may learn through random drug testing that the worker has used drugs during off-time hours. There are also plenty of people who believe that the effects of cannabis are so mild and short-lived that being able to drive safely is not an issue. They are perfectly willing to drive work vehicles and put themselves, and others on the road, at risk of accidents, which then raises the employer’s risk of lawsuits, increased healthcare costs, and lost productivity.

A new study promises to change the belief that cannabis has no effect on driving skills 24 hours after use. Clinical Chemistry recently summarised new research indicating that cannabis can be detected in a daily cannabis user’s blood for a month after the last time the drug was smoked. The research study involved 30 male daily cannabis smokers who entered a secured research unit and did not use the drug for 30 days. Though THC gradually decreased over time, by the end of the 30 days, every 2 out of 5 subjects still tested positive for THC in their blood.2

Not in the Workplace

Frequent cannabis users want others to believe they are perfectly capable of driving after using cannabis because of short-lived effects. The recent clinical study shows once again that illicit drugs do not belong in the workplace. They impair judgement, reduce skill levels, and create safety risks. There will no doubt be much more discussion about the dangers of mixing cannabis and driving, if additional research confirms the most recent findings. It does seem, however, that there is no such thing as “a little weed” that is safe.

CMM Technology ( gives employers a choice of saliva tests that can detect cannabis. They include the DrugWipe5S, the iScreen Saliva Drug Test, the Oraline Saliva Drug Screen, and many others. 

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Monday, 9 September 2013

Avoiding Typical D&A Program Mistakes

Implementing, managing and maintaining a workplace drug and alcohol program can be a complex process, depending on the size and type of business. The process begins with a policy because the policy sets out why the program exists, who it applies to, what is considered unacceptable behaviour, and the consequences of non-compliance. However, beyond the mechanics of the policy is the fact that a workplace policy demonstrates organisational commitment to maintaining a substance free facility. Strength is added to the program by establishing a framework of expectations and accountability. Therefore, one of the biggest mistakes an employer can make is not instituting a drug and alcohol policy in the workplace.1

Avoiding typical mistakes in a drug and alcohol (D&A) program is critical because of the personal and legal aspects associated with the implementation of the policies and procedures. For example, random testing programs must be truly random and use a non-prejudicial method of selection. Otherwise, the employer could be accused of bias against a particular group of workers or of using the D&A program as a means of taking disciplinary action for matters not related to substance use.

No Favourites in a D&A Program with Integrity

An important characteristic of any D&A testing program is consistency. The policy sets out the rules, but consistency must also define the policy and testing procedures. For example, employees who test positive for drugs or alcohol should be treated in the same manner to preserve the program’s integrity. When some workers are given an opportunity to attend a rehabilitation program and then return to work, while others are immediately fired, the program loses its integrity.

Following clear, published guidelines ensures that workers know the precise steps that will be taken for positive tests, that everyone is treated equally, and that no favouritism is displayed. For example, the RML Group Mining Services clearly states when the disciplinary process and possible dismissal can be invoked. The situations include any worker removed from the workplace due to drugs testing positive for illegal drugs or any alcohol; refusing to be tested; or selling or giving illegal drugs to others.2 Some employers try to write policies and procedures that are vague so that they are not committed to particular actions. That is a mistake and will likely lead to formal worker complaints or lawsuits.

Think “Always”

Consistency needs to apply across the board in drug and alcohol procedures. Workers suspected of being under the influence of substances should always be confronted by two people, so there is a witness to the conversation and events. A positive drug or alcohol test should always be confirmed with a follow-up test. Policies and procedures should always adhere to the law and respect agreements with unions.

Effective drug and alcohol programs are written, communicated, and consistently enforced. Common mistakes made by employers include not putting policies and procedures into writing, failing to inform workers about the D&A policy, and inconsistently testing or disciplining staff members. A D&A testing program does not have to be something for people to fear. It should just be one policy among many that are designed to maintain workplace safety.

Ensuring consistent D&A testing results is easy when using high quality equipment supplied by CMM Technology ( Saliva, urine and breathalyser testing equipment provide reliable results from samples easily obtained. 

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Friday, 6 September 2013

Drug Testing Equipment and Modern Man

Drug test equipment has, for many years, had to be on the front lines of modern technology. Lately, the process of detection has become so evolved that it does not take over complicated equipment to get it done. In fact, many companies prefer a simpler design which, in many cases, also turns out to have better technology and ability to read the data fed into it. Drug test kits have their own way of becoming difficult to read if the technology is not done in a way that is user friendly. Now, we have drug test kits which are easy to use and to understand.
A breathalyser recalibration service does more than that. It keep your alcohol test equipment in working order so that it can be reused and at the correct standard, something which is not possible with drug testing. Fortunately, we here at CMM Technology have a top notch breathalyser recalibration service (NATA Accredited), and we pride ourselves on our ability to bring both simplicity and accuracy together within the same equipment.
While our sister company, Mediscreen, handles onsite drug testing, we here at CMM Technology specialize in drug test equipment, alcohol breathalyser devices, and of course our NATA accredited recalibration service which services not only equipment we have sold, but also any breathalyser equipment you may still be using in your company.
Modern man has not yet perfected a technique to make drug testing a matter of just looking at someone and being able to tell, but we are modern enough to take advantage of some of the best quality drug test equipment in Australia. Now, when you are shopping around, be sure to think of CMM Technology. We know that you have a busy workplace schedule and that you have many tasks that need to be taken care of. You cannot afford to be working with old or outdated equipment which is ineffective. We recommend that you check out our website and consult us on what may be the best products for your company drug testing use. And, naturally, if you have any breathalyser devices which need to be recalibrated, we can do that, too.
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Thursday, 5 September 2013

Determining Drug Test Value

Occasionally, we get the question, “Does drug testing really work? What is the value I get from it in the long run?” Let us make this very clear. Drug testing cannot be used as a preventative method, nor do we claim in any way that it prevents drug abuse or alcohol abuse from occurring on the worksite. Rather, it gives you data that you can read and make decisions with.

Really, you cannot do very much more with it than that. However, that is still a lot of value.

Drug testing is worth a lot of money because it saves even more money. When employees are fired from a high ranking position because screening tests were finally implemented, it takes much longer to replace them (and costs much more money) than it does to fire and replace a lower ranking employee. Therefore, it is cheaper and more efficient to identify the problem sooner rather than later.

Also, employees who are abusing drugs do not tend to get caught for quite a long time if a regular screening system is not in place all the time. It’s not quite like babysitting children, but it is like babysitting a business. You have to make sure that it doesn’t get into trouble at any point in time. That is what makes drug testing so valuable. That is what saves you so much money. Your watchful eyes identifies and fixes problems right away, rather than in the future when those employees have already cost you plenty of money and are far more difficult to replace.

Today, we have a wide choice of drug testing products, but some of them are not as good as others. At CMM Technology, we strive to keep our standards professionally high and competent. We want to develop a long term business to business relationship with you. We want to give you more value for less money. Be sure to check out our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 while you are browsing our website for potential products to order. It has a built in adulterant test, which is always useful.

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Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Darkness Unfolds

In a business where employee drug testing is NOT used on a regular basis, the spirit of the place is different. You will find that the lights don’t seem to shine as bright, or maybe they shine too brightly. You will think the place cold and repressive or loud and irresponsible. It seems disorganized, but you can’t quite place your finger on what exactly is not organized. What is wrong exactly? You try to figure it out, but the place just rubs you the wrong way, and you leave as quickly as possible, with no intention of returning.
So, what was the problem, after all?
It was lack of discipline.
What, you may ask. What on earth are you talking about? Everyone rushed around brusquely and seemed to be engaged in awfully important tasks. Where was the lack of discipline.
First of all, we’d like to say that ANYONE can act busy, without actually being productive. Also, if you find yourself wanting to be anywhere else but your job, then there is in fact a certain amount of job dissatisfaction. It rarely has to do with the tedious work involved. It is usually the type of people you are surrounded with. For some, this is not really a problem. They don’t notice nor are they affected by other people. For others, this can make or break why they even want to continue in this job at this particular worksite.
Sometimes, the answer lies in employee drug testing. When an employee abuses substances, they often find themselves thinking differently. They have less satisfaction, and they express their dissatisfaction less effectively, thus affecting their coworkers. If they abuse while on the jobsite, others may follow their example. There is a community to this truth, and it is all based upon the substance abuse of one employee and how this dominoes outward to all the other employees.
At CMM Technology, drug testing may not only be the solution, but it may just be exactly what you need to bring peace and order back to the workplace environment. To order our drug test kits or breathalyser devices, call CMM Technology today.

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Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Cycles of Cities and Companies

Cities and companies operate differently, and this is fair, considering that businesses do not allow wasteful employees in their midst but companies allow every citizen imaginable in their midst. The cycles of these two entities are very different and yet very interesting once you understand them. Did you know that every business fails? Well, what about cities? Unless it was a small town founded upon gold mining or some other type of “rush” to the area, very few small town turn into ghost towns, and cities fail only when bombed and then not even all the time.
What makes cities so resilient and companies so fallible?
The answer lies in what is allowed to go to waste. Businesses, by their very nature, must produce and only have abundance, but if up to forty percent of the staff was wasting time and being a drag on the company, then it would go under very quickly.
On the other hand, cities survive because they are filled up to forty percent with crime, starvation, and other drags on the system. This means that, contrary to popular opinion, cities survive because they contain both waste and surplus. This means that the two entities are so inherently different that to run one like the other would be folly.
In the business world, it is often thought that small businesses should not be run like large companies and that if you know all of your employees, it would not be wise to try to subject them to employee drug testing. This is precisely the reason why you SHOULD subject them to drug testing, though. When someone is able to get by with fraud, if they have a fraudulent nature, then they will take advantage of a small intimate setting to get away with whatever they can. Lack of drug testing and alcohol screening is part of this. Everyone should be screened, no matter who they are. This protects the entire organization. Take a look at the drug test equipment that we have available for your perusal. Make sure your employees are fit for duty when they come in to work.
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