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Thursday, 27 June 2013

Cleanliness and Smoothness

Smoothness in work is engaging your team in a set of tasks which is designed to breed better skill sets and better cooperation between your workers. There is so much to being a good leader, because you have to understand your team members and their unique attributes, and you have to appreciate their individual qualities and why you want to love and protect them in their working careers. There is a true honor to being a leader of such a group. There is a true dignity to being able to bring out the best in people. 

It means that you have brought your best out in their presence.

Cleanliness on the worksite is not just about using soap and water on your hands after you visit the restroom. It is about keep your language clean, keeping your clothing neat and orderly, your demeanor professional, and your minds in a business like organization. Cleanliness and smoothness combined on the jobsite can really make a bit impact on your clients and on your professional reputation as a whole.
The one thing that can really screw all of the above up is when one of your employees shows up to work high or drunk. This means that they lack the respect and the commitment it takes to keep up with the workload and the challenges facing them on the working horizon. They lack the vision it takes to carry your company to the next level of its development. That is where drug testing and alcohol tests really come in handy.

Drug test equipment which delivers real results can be found at CMM Technology. Our drug test kits are high quality and give accuracy above and beyond the kits of our competitors. Breathalyser recalibration service is also provided. Whatever alcohol test you use to test if your workers are fit for duty, you can get your devices recalibrated with us.

We are pretty good at bringing an extra level of cleanliness and smoothness to your jobsite. That is, after all, what we do. We bring a certain orderliness to your business through the use of our products. Call CMM Technology. We’d love to hear from you: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.

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Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Business Initiatives for New Growth

Drug test equipment is part of an employee screening program in any company. Randomly buying tests and half-heartedlyimplementing them is not an effective program. You must be certain and specific. Instead of trying half a dozen approaches each week, implement a new strategy long enough to actually check its effectiveness. An employee drug testing program should cover both drug test kits and alcohol tests. At CMM Technology, we highly recommend that you become more involved in the process of using screening tests which your business buys and using onsite drug testing from our sister site to reduce costs of both equipment and testing services.

There is a lot to be said for planning for new growth well, rather than haphazardly. Understanding what you want and don’t want involves the majority of the work. Really, there is not much to implementing new growth, but there is a lot in making the decisions in implementing this growth. There must be standards set, goals outlined, and a mental picture in the mind of everyone involved as to how the program will be effectively implemented. At our business, we carry a wide variety of screening tests, including oral fluid drug tests, breathalyser devices, and urine drug test. We know how difficult it can be to fully appreciate how much these tests work for you and give you the qualitative and quantitative information you are looking for about your workers.

There must an ethical distributor of testing equipment. That is where CMM Technology comes in. We proceed with our distribution only when and if our equipment has performed flawlessly in our own tests. We believe in our products, as you should, too. There is nothing like reliable equipment, upon which you can depend.

Business initiatives for new growth should involve evaluation of your employees, showing who is following company policy and who is breaking both the law and your own regulations. Try out our breathalyser recalibration service, which is available in Perth. We enjoy serving Australia in its entirety and ship to all parts of this great country. Visit our website to learn even more, or give us a call: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.

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Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Building Relationships with People You Care About

Let’s go over all of the people you have probably cared about in your lifetime. Let’s see, there would be your parents, your siblings, your friends, your various authority figures, your coworkers, sometimes your bosses, and your employees. These are all people who are instrumental to your life, your livelihood, and the smooth running of your life. They provide the various types of assistance that people need in order to evolve into the next part of their person.

Building relationships with the people you care about is time consuming, frustrating, hard work, energy draining…and completely awesome. We all have people without whom we would never live and without whom we would not have love in our lives. This is something so innately human and yet so foreign to our rational minds that it must be understood as just another part of the human experience, nothing more, and nothing less. After all, if you can find someone who cares about you, are they not worth caring about?

Adulterant tests are given in addition to drug testing to determine if part of the human experience has overtaken one of your employees and they wish to cheat a drug test. Fortunately, adulterant tests are built right in to our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6, which is a urine drug test we here at CMM Technology provide to businesses all over Australia. Drug testing in Western Australia is not limited to this area. Our drug test equipment is shipped nationwide. See if all of your staff is fit for duty. This is what drug testing is supposed to be about. It is not a violation of privacy or any number of things it’s been accused of being. It is about evaluation, and nothing more.

Saliva drug test are also available from our company, along with breathalyser devices. We want to build a relationship business-to-business with you. We want you to be able to depend upon us for your screening tests and recalibration services. We want you to know that you can trust us and our ethics. We would love to do business with you and to be your equipment supplier.

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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

5 Reasons Why Drug Testing Works

Drug testing works for many reasons, and not just five reasons. However, this article must be limited in some way, so we here at CMM Technology decided to list our top five most important reasons why it works.

1. It identifies safety hazards

You would not want an inebriated employee operating heavy machinery or calling the shots in an emergency situation. You would want to be able to turn over certain situations into the hands of your capable workers. Drug testing identifies potential safety hazards by telling you who is abusing drugs or alcohol.

2. It helps you control legal liability

If an employee causes an accident while at your place of work or after leaving it, then your company is liable for the damages. However, if you identify who is abusing substances you can place them on some type of probation or eliminate them from your workforce completely.

3. It increases the atmosphere of security in the workplace

Now your employees can rest assured, knowing that they are working in a safe environment. Employee drug testing creates an atmosphere where everyone feels safe. It helps employees to relax, do better work, and have higher job satisfaction.

4. The evidence is objective

Drug testing is so useful because the data is from purely objective scientific screenings. All drug test kits and alcohol breathalyser devices are scientifically engineered, and produce accurate chemistry readings. I seek cleanliness of tissue. The result is that the evidence is not based upon personal opinions or “gut feelings” but actual chemical and mathematical proof.

5. It is a non-invasive procedure

In the past, drug testing was seen as an invasion of privacy. Since cheaters have made it necessary to administer the tests in a certain way, it helps to have drug test equipment which is fast and efficient. This makes the whole process less invasive and more pleasant for the employees being tested.

In the end, drug testing is there as a protective mechanism, an evaluative method, and partly as a preventative measure. Whatever the case is in your situation, be sure to check out the drug test kits and personal breathalyser devices distributed by CMM Technology.

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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Love the One You’re With

When this timeless classic of a song came out over two decades ago, it naturally went against everything that many songs stood up for. “Love the One You’re With” was a lovely challenge to stick together and go through life together, rather than the all too often encouragement to cheat, kill, lie, and steal. Perhaps the public enjoyed it so much because it was upbeat, catchy, and not something you heard very often.

Whatever the case, many employees in this time of economic turbulence look toward themselves for loyalty, and do not actually choose to feel any loyalty toward any given company. They are focused on their careers, and when a better offer comes along, they jump at the chance to forward their career, not the future of their current company.

This is unfortunate, because technology has made people so much more aware of their own valuable assets and skills, and adding the factor of loyalty can really make you valuable to a business. This is true for just about any business at all. This is especially true for a company which deals a lot in trade secrets and must protect client assets. First, they must be able to protect themselves. This is where drug testing and your average screening tests come in.

Drug testing in Western Australia is good thanks to the participation of two very valuable companies: Mediscreen and CMM Technology. Now, we here at CMM Technology delivers high accuracy drug test equipment to companies all over our nation, while our sister company takes care of onsite drug testing. We are a team, and we are really proud of what we do. In combination, we are a force to be reckoned with, but CMM Technology also provides a breathalyser recalibration service which is useful if you still have old breathalyser devices which you would like to continue testing with. We aim to please and our goal is to help you see how fit for duty your staff is. This is no small task. You are welcome to bulk order our products at any time.

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Like a Chicken with Its Head Cut Off

Every win in life is a plus, and we often feel uplifted by the good effect of the work of our hands. It is not very often that you find someone who is not satisfied with the well wrought creation of their own handiwork. It is inherent in all of us to value our own creation and it is a primal instinct in all of us to value the creation of others to be a little less than worthy.

However, when you are going about your day in business, would you feel accomplished or proud of yourself if you just looked busy but were not actually engaged in productive activity? That is often the question posed to people who are doing “busy work” but who are not actually accomplishing anything.

A story by Kevin Trudeau describes such a man. He worked fourteen hour shifts and he was always in a hurry and running back and forth, but the truth was that he accomplished perhaps two hours worth of work, if even that, in his day. That is a really low performance rate for someone who works fourteen hour shifts.
What do you think he is doing? Why, he’s running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Sometimes, a boss may jokingly say to an employee, “Can you at least LOOK like you’re working?” However, this comment is far less likely to be spoken or said in any type of serious way if the employee regularly produces a lot of high quality work. It is always the end result which is the most important factory, and it is not so much about how you got there.

Employee drug testing utilizes things like urine drug tests, oral fluid drug tests, and our alcohol breathalyser devices, like our exclusive Lifeloc FC10, in order to determine which workers are fit for duty and which should be tested further, just in case. We deliver special drug test kits which contain adulterant tests, so that you will really be able to determine who is doing what and why.

For greater results, use alcohol test equipment from CMM Technology.

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Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Learning from Others without Absorbing Others

At CMM Technology, we often speak about the importance of influence and how people can affect other people so easily and, in many cases, without even knowing they are influencing the other person, much less the extent to which they are.

The truth is, so many people rely upon the opinions of others in order to determine their own self worth and how they are supposed to be seen in the world. It is often very controversial in their brains about who to believe: themselves or the other person. Sometimes, it is really difficult to get the negative opinion from someone else out of your head.

Fortunately, we have many societal mechanisms which help us to buffer the opinions of others somewhat. We all have the ability to tune out what other people think, especially in a large group or among strangers. We understand that when people do not know each other that well their own first impressions may be altered or even a great deal off base. We understand that many people may agree with us on some things, but not on others. We know that a lot of people do not like us simply because of who they are, and sometimes even because of who they have encountered earlier in their lives and how they were affected by those people.

Influence catches on fire and spreads to all parts of the forest like wildfire. There is not a great deal they can change about who they interact with, but they have ultimate control over how they allow these perceptions to affect them. When employees are fit for duty, they are not subject to the law of the land, necessarily, but they are subject to your company policies. They are subject to the conduct of a productive workplace when they are on your jobsite. Use our breathalyser devices, high quality alcohol test, to implement your drug testing in Western Australia. We ship our drug test equipment, as well, all over Australia. Just call us today and place an order. It really is as easy as that. To find out more about our urine drug tests, call CMM Technology today: (+61) 1300 79 70 30.

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Monday, 10 June 2013

Knowledge of Your Path in Life

Being aware of your path in life is one of the most important internal accomplishments which you can achieve in your lifetime. If you understand how to take advantage of yourself awareness, then you are make decisions which are better in the short term and better in the long term, as well.

In fact, all questions of being fit for duty regarding your employees have to do with how well you can judge them objectively and without partiality or prejudice. Often, workers can just assume that you have some sort of vendetta against them, which is often not even the case. However, individual perceptions cannot be altered by you, since you cannot exercise control over their personal biases.

You can, however, exercise control over how scientific data points to their behavior concerning drug abuse and alcoholism. Urine drug tests are meant to be revealing of this information and all kinds of scientific data goes into developing this drug test equipment. Fortunately, science is unbiased and has made great steps in finding out who is trying to skew the test results. We have many adulterant tests in science now which determine if the urine sample has been altered in some way. For instance, our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6, one of our most popular products, is complete with the built in capacity to test for adulterants.

Saliva drug tests are also a part of your screening tests, and our ToxSure saliva drug test is sure to please. When looking for ways to keep your employees tested for being fit for duty, understand that our drug testing kits here at CMM Technology are top notch, and that we distribute all over Australia. Drug test equipment is not something which you can reasonably skimp on, since you desire to have accurate results, and not just results, period. In our case, we understand how necessary the accuracy of our tests must be in order to even be marketable. We are proud to present you with our full line of products, and we encourage you to browse our website.

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