Politics have a lot of problems, and everyone often feels the need to choose sides on differing positions in a political situation. It can engender creativity and productivity, but it can also engender dissent and rivalry. There is so much to think about when it comes to addressing a political viewpoint, and one is never able to just vote on one single issue, but instead must choose a platform for quite a few issues at one time, some of which you may not fully agree with.
What to do, what to do?
Fortunately, politics cannot change some things about human nature. Politics cannot make everyone happy. Politics cannot make people less hungry. And politics cannot eliminate certain needs that companies have, including drug & alcohol testing. Drug screening is one of the most reliable and most used sources of employee evaluation ever implemented within a business. It is invaluable. Every other process in the employee evaluation steps involves subjective personal opinion, for which the company can be sued, but drug and alcohol testing eliminates this problem altogether. An employee can’t really complain when they find themselves testing positive for illicit substances while on the jobsite. It is imperative that they conduct themselves with propriety while in or around the workplace, or they will actually get what they have coming to them. This is not a difficult thing to figure out. Alcohol testing is scientifically proven. It is completely accurate. As long as you have the right drug testing equipment, which is sold by our sister company incidentally, then all you need is a good service to provide the testing. Mediscreen runs an onsite drug and alcohol screening service based in Perth, and actually delivering service all over Australia. This is a really big deal.
When are you going to find the time to personally and completely objectively get to know every single one of your employees as they continue their careers through your company? Obviously, such a thing is not possible. That is why you have workplace drug testing to help you out and to put some real, science based accuracy into your test results.
This article has been taken from http://mediscreen.net.au/articles/?p=2259
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