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Thursday, 31 October 2013

Cultural Literacy and Your Knowledge Base

When someone enrolls in a speed reading program, they are given a sample of articles to practice on so that they can determine their speed reading capabilities. They are asked to use articles which are of an interest to them but which they do not have a wide range of knowledge concerning. You see, in order to establish a baseline for their reading speed, they need to be able to measure their own comprehension first.
Your comprehension cannot be as accurately measured if you have a wide knowledge base about your subject matter.
Over the course of the speed reading program, you will not only be taught how to read faster but also how to gain higher comprehension, even than you did before you began the program. At this point, you will be encouraged to increase your knowledge base. This includes all of the random things about a culture that everyone in the culture generally knows. As you increase your knowledge base, your general speed of reading will also increase, since you have a foundation and partial recognition of all of the new information about which you are reading.
It’s a pretty effective program. Students are even asked to purchase and read The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy a little bit every day. This is recommended as being a way to increase their knowledge base and therefore their future reading speed when they delve into new subjects with their books.
At CMM Technology, we understand if you don’t have a wide knowledge base of drug test equipment. That is alright, and we are fine with it. It is our job to provide you with the best drug testing kits and alcohol tests which are appropriate for your business and, if you call us today, you can find out what would work the best for your business. You can even order a few units of each type from us and find out for yourself which ones are the most effective for you and your business. CMM Technology is even NATA accredited for our breathalyser recalibration service.
Cultural literacy is important, but in business, drug testing literacy can be crucial.
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Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Central Heating and Air

When you breathe constantly recycled air throughout the day, the effect does different things to different people. Some people develop respiratory problems because they are so unused to anything new or fresh being inhaled. Some people do well because of the lack of change in the air. And, some people just hate it, because they prefer fresh air and sunshine.
When an office building has central heating and air, as opposed to the far more unsightly window air conditioners, then the air is recycled and everyone is breathing air which has been filtered and then sent back through the office. There is no such thing as fresh air, because the old air is still being reused.
While there are physical dependencies and emotional reasons for drug addiction, one of the simpler, more basic reasons is lack of healthy body conditions. Many people who hate working in an office actually hate the physical toll it takes on their bodies. After being exposed to this for a long time, they may be far more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol than they were before. Of course, it makes a difference when you use your non-working time to spend time in the sunshine and fresh air and moving your body around.
CMM Technology has brought businesses all over Australia high quality drug test equipment for years now. We are NATA accredited and we are proud to bear this accreditation. It means that we can assuredly bring you professional service time and again. It means that our recalibration service is top of the line and annually audited to maintain standards. It means that our business is set up for the benefit of our customers and not our own personal gain.
When you are using urine drug test and other screening tests on your own employees, remember to look at their working conditions, not in terms of hardship and safety, but in terms of basic human health. It might make a difference. And, on a more positive note, make sure that your employee drug testing is as accurate as possible by purchasing equipment.

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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Adult Responsibility and Judgment

Throughout the world, countries which use age limits on drinking do so for a very specific reason. Adults are considered to be old enough to take responsibility for their actions or lack thereof, and children under the influence of alcohol can be a very real danger to society, but may not be legally liable for their actions. This represents an inequality in responsibility. An underage person may inflict severe, perhaps fatal damage onto someone else, but they will not be held legally liable for the damage they inflicted. Therefore, no one is held fully responsible for the danger to society.
Different countries handle this problem differently.
In Germany, there is not an age limit for drinking, but it is considered to be a strict social faux pas to be drunk in public, whether or not you are of age. For this reason, alcohol and alcoholic behavior is viewed very differently in that culture, and people treat alcohol in a different way.
Employee drug testing is held together by the fact that everyone should be able to earn employment, housing and food for themselves without putting their lives in danger. There should always be a choice, and Australia supports employee drug testing in the workplace. Drug testing in Western Australia is greatly improved by the addition of CMM Technology to the marketplace. We provide drug test kits and breathalyser devices, in addition to being accredited by NATA for breathalyser calibration. CMM Technology is the solution for any drug testing problem which may arise in the workplace. Our equipment is sound and reliable.
Yes, adults bear responsibility for the fact that they now have fully developed judgment and therefore the right to take on duties to themselves and society as a whole. Yes, adults are meant to exercise self control when it comes to endangering the lives and safety of others for their own personal gain. Alcohol tests come in handy at this time, when you are sure that an employee is intoxicated and a danger to himself and others, but you still need the legal documentation of their condition. For more information about the drug test equipment.
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Friday, 25 October 2013

Social Identity in Workgroups Reinforces Substance Free Workplace

A study was conducted in to determine the impact of workplace social support by supervisors and co-workers on successful training program transfer. In this particular study by Ken Pidd, it was a drug and alcohol training program, and the focus was on the influence of social support and the factors that need to be considered in order to design effective programs.1 In the workplace, drug and alcohol policies are only a first step because the policy must be transmitted and then supported by effective testing procedures. As workers move from workplace to workplace, they take what was learned with them and can have enormous influence on the new workforce and either makes an employer’s job easier or more difficult.

There are many factors to consider in regards to worker training being effective and a catalyst for change. The transfer climate refers to the workplace conditions that inhibit or assist with training effectiveness and transfer. An employee coming from a business where a drug-free environment was strictly enforced is not likely to be vocal at a new job where drug and alcohol policies and procedures are not enforced and co-workers have a laissez-faire approach to compliance. It should be noted though that the supervisor has enormous influence in both workplace settings.

Socially Acceptable in the Workplace

Social support for a substance free workplace is critical to success. Supervisors and co-workers must buy-in to the importance of not using drugs or alcohol for safety and health reasons. Social groups can reward or punish people who do not comply with the behavioural norms. For example, a group may give social cues that membership requires a willingness to either adhere or not adhere to policies. People who are unwilling to cooperate can be ostracized, creating a host of problems.

One of the areas the Pidd study considered was the importance of social cues. Supervisors may present one set of cues while co-workers present another. Supervisors have a lot of control over how seriously workers accept and support the substance free policy. If they do not enforce the policy, the cues clearly send the message that the use of drugs and alcohol is not a serious offence. In some cases, workers simply refuse to cooperate or are drug addicts and need help. Workers coming into a new organisation with training and a positive attitude about working in a drug free workplace may become a strong advocate for the drug and alcohol policy and often will be the person who lets a substance abuser know it is okay to ask for help.

Another interesting aspect of the study was the exploration of the social identity theory. A person’s self-concept plays a big role in the particular social groups joined. Applying the theory to the drug and alcohol program, a worker who sees him or herself as staunchly substance free is not going to participate in a group that is using drugs or alcohol in the workplace and has members covering up for each other. It is really apparent at work events like holiday parties or after-work social occasions. There always seem to be one group that drinks too much and one group that drinks very little or not at all. The drinking subculture is at play and leads to segregation of workers. Non-drinkers often have little interest in socializing with heavy drinkers. Studies have shown that workers who drank at work were 1.4 times more likely to over drink, indicating social pressure to act in a certain way.2

Unequivocal Message

The social aspect of drug and alcohol test social group participation is complex. It explains why some employers have difficulty keeping substances out of their workplaces despite all efforts. It also supports the importance of random drug and alcohol testing. The fact is that testing is the one sure way of sending the message that there is zero tolerance for substance use in the workplace.

Each workplace has its own social system. As people enter a particular workforce, they bring training, attitudes and experiences. The social groups they participate in reflect their prior history, and these groups influence the ability of supervisors to maintain a drug free workplace.CMM Technology ( everything the employer needs to administer workplace drug testing.

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Thursday, 24 October 2013

How Fit is Fit? - Reintegrating Employees into the Workplace

There is plenty of discussion about detecting substance abuse in the workplace via drug and alcohol testing. There is also plenty of discussion on using an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) as an important strategy for rehabilitating workers with drug or alcohol problems. However, once the EAP is completed and the right people say the employee is ready to return to work, what then? Should the employer just let the worker return without any guidance or oversight? After all, the person just completed an intensive counselling program, so does the employer really need to take any additional steps?

Assuming a Frontline Position

Reintegrating employees into the workplace is an important step in helping workers avoid relapse. Work offers much more than financial value. It also provides emotional and psychological value. Ideally, the work reintegration plan is incorporated into the worker’s EAP plan so that he or she gets professional counselling before, during and after returning to work. However, the worker’s supervisors always play a frontline role in the success of the reintegration process. They must be cognisant of the requirements of duty of care, potential issues concerning disability discrimination, and employee privacy needs.1 Without proper training, it is easy for well-intentioned supervisors to unintentionally contribute to a worker’s failure to successfully integrate.

Following are some of the issues that an employer needs to consider:

  • Are there conditions outlined by health professionals concerning the type and amount of work an employee can undertake?
  • Do the conditions governing the return to work impact the ability of the worker to return to a safety sensitive position?
  • If duties are restricted, who will be responsible for ensuring the worker follows the rules?
  • Does the employer need to make workplace changes to accommodate the worker’s needs or restrictions?
  • What will be the frequency of drug and alcohol testing?
  • How long will the special arrangements be required, and how do they impact co-workers?
  • Is the employee required to continue in aftercare in order to keep his or her job. If so, how will compliance be verified?

WorkSafe recommends employers appoint a Return to Work Coordinator to ensure all the return-to-work obligations are met. The coordinator is responsible for implementing the return to work plan, monitoring the worker to ensure the person has the capacity to complete job duties, managing the progressive return of workers to full pre-treatment job status, serving as a resource point of contact should the worker need assistance, and liaisons between the worker and the health professionals.2

It’s Not Just About Me

Clearly, the success of an employee reintegration plan relies on effective communication and regular drug and alcohol testing. However, the supervisors also will discover they need to take other factors and situations into consideration. For example, how will routine business social events affect a recovering employee? Are supervisors trained to recognise work conditions that may contribute to relapse, like a department functioning under severe pressure or stress? In addition, the supervisor needs to give the co-workers information that enables them to respond to the returning worker correctly. For example, they need to know the reintegrating worker is expected to carry the assigned workload and how to offer encouragement without delving into counselling or invading the worker’s privacy.

It is always important to continue drug and alcohol testing. Sometimes small businesses are hesitant to test returning workers because they do not want to offend the person or send a message that the person is no longer a trusted employee. Drug and alcohol testing is about workplace safety for all workers. The special needs of a returning worker are considered in terms of helping the person succeed and avoid relapse. The substance testing program ensures that everyone’s safety needs are considered. Employees fit to return to duty after substance abuse treatment can succeed with the right support system in place, and that begins with the supervisors.

CMM Technology ( has a range of products that make it easy for employers to administer drug and alcohol test. Options include technology and resources like saliva drug test, urine tests and alcohol breathalyser.

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Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Keeping Synthetic Drugs Out of the Workplace

There was a young man named Henry Kwan who lived in Australia with his family. At 17 years old he could speak six languages fluently and talked about becoming a doctor or lawyer upon entering the university. Preparing for his final exams, he was worried about getting the highest grades possible and was feeling a high level of stress. When his mother and sister left the house, he was quietly studying at his desk. When they returned an hour later, he was agitated, started vomiting, had difficulty doing anything physical, and began rocking back-and-forth in a foetal position in front of the television. He suddenly decided he wanted to fly and so dived head first off the balcony, after a struggle in which his mother and sister tried to stop him by hanging on to his feet and arms.1

There is a good chance you have not heard of the substance that led to Henry’s behaviour and death. Apparently, young Henry had bought a synthetic drug from a fellow student because the student body was talking about how it could help with studying. There is a likelihood that Henry thought he was taking an herbal remedy to improve concentration, but instead he was taking 25l-NBOMe which is a synthetic drug. This particular substance was a hallucinogen that was determined to be 25 times more powerful than LSD. It is no wonder that Henry thought he could fly.

The drug that killed Henry is synthetic cannabis like Kronic (but it was chemically different). Synthetic drug use is growing as easy access to supplies grows. Synthetic drugs can be purchased online or over-the-counter at tobacco, sex and convenience shops. To address the problem, NSW temporarily banned the sale of 19 drugs to gain time and hopefully prevent more tragedies like the death of Henry. The new law bans the manufacturing, supplying and advertising of various synthetic drugs that are psychoactive. During the ban, the government is taking a couple of actions that will make the ban permanent. It plans on adding 40 substances to its Schedule 1 prohibited drugs and adopting a blanket ban on a class of drugs, which in this case is synthetic psychoactive drugs.2

Stronger Case for Workplace Drug Testing

There is a drug test that can detect synthetic cannabis made with MDVP or “bath salts”. However, employers are naturally concerned about all the other synthetic drugs flowing into Australia. What about those? If drug testing detects one designer drug, then what are they supposed to do about all the other drugs people seem intent on taking? Their concerns are valid, but drug users are not typically like Henry. For one thing, he had no history of drug abuse and was not chasing a new legal high. In fact, Henry believed in using natural herbs and not medicines.

Also, poly drug use is common among people who use any drug regularly. Methamphetamine users are documented as typical poly drug users. The poly drug users are prone to use alcohol as a way to control their “coming down” from a high induced by other drugs. The 2007 National Drug Strategy Household Survey reported that 87.3 percent of regular cannabis users also consumer alcohol; 23.8 percent also used meth and methamphetamines; 28.3 percent also used ecstasy; and 11.5 percent also used cocaine or crack cocaine. Why would there be any different assumption about polydrug use involving synthetic cannabis and illicit drug use? Therefore, random drug testing programs in the workplace that detects any of the illicit drugs will contribute to ending the use of synthetic drugs in the workplace also, even if the employer is unaware of the synthetic drug use because it is a currently undetectable designer substance. The influx of synthetic drugs makes an even stronger case for workplace drug testing.

Learning from Henry’s Tragedy

What does Henry’s experience teach employers? It teaches them that sudden, inexplicable employee behaviours may indicate drug use and justify “for cause” drug testing. Henry’s situation also taught employers that employee drug education is critical because workers can get caught in the drug trap by taking substances they are not familiar with and were not prescribed. Finally, employers should educate workers on the procedure for reporting odd co-worker behaviours or indications of synthetic or illicit drugs in the workplace. What may seem harmless could cost someone serious injury or even death.

The synthetic drug manufacturers use exotic names for their products like “Dancing Flames”, “Northern Lights” or “Fire”. What they should have on the package is a skull and crossbones and the word “Death”. Increased use of synthetic drugs by the Australian population makes an even stronger case for drug and alcohol testing in the workplace. CMM Technology ( has a complete line of drug testing supplies and equipment that simplifies the process of keeping drugs – all drugs – out of the workplace.

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Monday, 21 October 2013

Zeroing in On Your Job

When you are busy at work all day, it is easy to let your mind wander. This is not because your job is boring or because you find your work tedious. Instead, it is because our brains are capable of a lot of functioning at one time, which means that once we have begun working on the task at head…assuming it is a task to which we are accustomed…we can then let our minds wander to things we really like thinking about or which we are worried about and which we hope will not come to pass.
It is so important to focus in on your job, using all of your capable mental capacity to actually bring in some of the best ideas your company can make use of. Of course, not everything will be quality mental material, but brainstorming is really important. Now, many creative writers or directors believe that letting the mind rest and focus on other things can really relax it and ideas can come to you more easily.
This may be true to a certain extent, but there is such a thing as a mental habit. If it is your mental habit to think vividly under pressure, to stay thinking until you find gold, or to always question your surroundings and test different theories on the world around you, then you are likely to strengthen this mental habit by using it. You will not be likely to actually squash your ideas if you overwork them, since your mental habit is to make the best out of your constant thinking, rather than rest pondering.
Employee drug testing involves a lot of the focusing required to zero in on your job. It means you need high quality material to work with in the first place, which is true of all of CMM Technology’s drug test equipment, alcohol breathalyser devices, and even our breathalyser recalibration services.
Zeroing in on your job requires an insane amount of focus and pressurized creative thinking. However, it can make your job a lot more rewarding than it is already. Just remember to take breaks once your work for the day is over! Call CMM Technology today to find out more about our ToxSure saliva drug test.
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Saturday, 19 October 2013

What is Best for the Individual and the Group

The famous mathematician and economist, John Nash, determined that the economy cannot be purely based upon what is best for the individual alone. It must also be based upon what is best for the whole of society or the whole of the group which is being discussed. It has to do with how everyone can achieve a win-win situation, rather than resorting to a win-lose scenario, where some people are drained of their assets while the power and influence of others increase.
In order for society to better itself, Nash believed that both sides must be taken care of equally: both the individual interest and the group interest. Both sides must be considered and the best solution will be the one which provides for the both the singular person and his self interest and for the group as a whole and its self interest. There are many theories out there about how this model could be applied to society as a whole, but in this article, we are only discussing how it can be applied to specific businesses. This particularly means your business.
Drug test kits and ToxSure saliva drug tests and other drug test equipment are used nationwide in order to draw effective results from employees of these specific businesses. Drug testing in Western Australia is particularly proud to have CMM Technology as part of its drug test equipment providers. We distribute all over the country, though. When applying the business model above, you will see that employee drug testing is both best for the job sustenance and security of the individual, but also as a means of data reading for the whole business. How can you know what is really going on with your employees if you do not make sure that they are following company policies and making sure that their actions are safe and reliable for those around them?
The necessity to use drug testing of any kind arises from the all too common habit of seeing just what we can all get away with. Every person pushes against the boundaries of society around them. The key to acquiring this necessary data is in the drug test equipment provided by CMM Technology.

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Thursday, 10 October 2013

The Lesson of the Acorn

Acorns come from oak trees, of course, and are some of the most useful nuts on this earth. Before the hunter-gatherer or primitive farmer archetypes depicted by early anthropologists, people gathered and ate acorns in wide abundance. Now, if you know anything about acorns, you know that oak trees do not produce them in the same amount every year and that the supply can vary greatly from year to year. So what does that mean for people who were living off of them as their daily staple?
Well, as long as these early humans were able to store acorns in a nice cache, there really was not a problem. If worms, moisture and other ailments cannot reach the acorns, the nuts really store quite well, and acorns have a certain dietary advantage over other nuts. You see, they are not very flavorful, but they are very filling. When you eat anything made of acorns, your entire body is regulated better and you do not suffer from low blood sugar or from being cranky or anything like that. Instead, you are filled up with feeling that you are not hungry, and your energy increases and is not diminished at all.
If early people were able to store their cache of acorns well, then they had filling nut meat all throughout the year, even in years which did not have a very plentiful harvest on some oak trees.
In employee drug testing, understanding how important screening tests really are can be the ticket to additional success in your company. Every business needs to have a regular drug test equipment distributor, and CMM Technology would like to fill this requirement for you. Like the acorn, our supplies are really high quality, they are long lasting, and they deliver very high quality results. What more could you ask for?
To be fit for duty does not mean to be physically fit but ready to take on any challenges on the job. It means that you must be creative and fulfill your duties as an employee of the company. To order urine drug test.
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Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Strength Training

When you are training for a marathon or you are training to lift heavier weights, you must test two things: you must test your strength and your endurance. Now, your strength is fairly measurable, since you can only lift so many weights at one time before your form and muscle control are thrown off. Your endurance can be measured, too, but it can be a little more complex. In a marathon, you are testing how long you can run at the same speed before it becomes too much. In weight training, you are testing how many sets of reps you can do before it is too overwhelming for your muscles.
Strength training, just like weight training, allows you to work hard on one area of your life until you become quite good at that and it is very easy. Then, you up the amount of work you do or the speed with which you do or the difficulty of the work (not all three at once), until you have to really work at it. Then, you remain at that new, slightly higher level, until it becomes easy, too.
That is what all weight training or strength and endurance training is all about: getting outside of your comfort zone and repeating that until it is within your comfort zone, and then repeating the process over and over until you are at your desire level of fitness.
Employees have to be tested, too. Employee drug testing evaluates which, if any, of your employees are abusing drugs or alcohol, and CMM Technology brings you the drug test equipment and alcohol breathalyser devices with which to do that. There is not a lot to the process, but it does mean that you have to purchase really high quality drug test kits and our special Lifeloc FC10 breathalyser device to really see how CMM Technology is a much better distributor than similar competitors. We are so assured of our products that our recalibration services are used for equipment which you may already be using, even if it is not our own. To find out more about how CMM Technology can make your business better.
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Saturday, 5 October 2013

Skipping Out Early

If you have ever worked in a regularly timed place of employment which pays you by the hour, you know what some of the consequences for skipping out early are. Sometimes, your coworkers envy you. Sometimes, they feel like you are skipping out on your share of the work, and that they could make more money for less work if everyone stayed on later. Sometimes, you get caught by your boss.
Whatever the scenario may be, it is widely understood that skipping out early is not something to do on a regular basis. You could get in trouble for it. You could be penalized for it. You could even get fired for it, if you are seen as someone who does not take their job or the work of the business they are in seriously. This means that you must always be ever watchful for leaving work too soon.
Now, when it comes to being professional, those who would be likely to do drugs or drink alcohol on or near the worksite are the first to leave and, sometimes, they are even the ones who…at least, temporarily…get paid the most. If this seems unfair at first, remember that those who act like they have a salary position are the ones who are mostly likely to get them.
Now, we will return to professionalism. Many people who find themselves at a loss for finding emotional intelligence will be unable to cope with the repercussions for skipping out early, and again, they are the ones most likely to do so. Why would anyone sabotage themselves like that?
They need a standard set for them. They need a minimum goodness of behavior to strive for. That is where employee drug testing comes in. Alcohol tests, like our Lifeloc FC10 breathalyser device, are also part of this minimum standard of behavior.
For on-sitedrug testing, visit our sister site, Mediscreen. However, for the parts themselves, so to speak, visit CMM Technology, the home page of this article. We deal exclusively in breathalyser devices, drug test equipment, and our NATA accredited breathalyser recalibration service.
Skipping out early? Maybe that’s a good way to go.
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Friday, 4 October 2013

Sharing Slices of Your Life

When you are out with good friends, it is easy to share slices of your life with them. It is easy to trust them with fat tidbits of information about yourself, and to laugh over old stories. It is difficult to do such things with strangers who you do not know enough to trust. When you are with friends, you have a certain amount of information about them, and you can really adapt to their feelings and vice versa. With strangers, talking about your intimate life is like walking around naked. It is just not something you do in public.
You can generally tell when someone has a substance abuse problem. While their behavior will differ depending upon where they come from, someone who spills their guts more than the average native of their area is likely to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It reduces inhibitions, and all of a sudden their entire life story comes out.
While that can be interesting, it can also be quite tiresome.
In the workplace, you must be able to set personal and professional boundaries between yourself and those with whom you work.
You must be able to instill a sense of walled in space around you. Without these boundaries, the sociopaths and con artists of the world rule on high. With them, you have control over your own world and you can keep people outside it or let them into your world at will.
When it comes to addicts, it is easy to con people. They know they need their fix, and they do everything in their power to get it. Rules and morals are out the window.
Do not allow such thinking to overtake your business, or to even be a part of it. Use employee drug testing and alcohol breathalyser devices to determine who is of this mentality and who is not. After all, the workplace is a safe place. One should never feel trapped or tortured in their workplace. Get some urine drug tests with built in adulterant tests like the kind we distribute all over Australia. In fact, drug testing in Western Australia has never been easier.
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Thursday, 3 October 2013

Self Tutoring, Tutoring Others

Education and the way that education is learned and put to use is an interesting phenomenon. Many governments and educational committees seek to make education better, but it really does not matter, because education is a fickle subject which only a few people really, truly understand…even if many people excel at it.
Academia is one of the most important factors in education, or so it would seem. The truth is, learning is only useful when it is put to good use, but it can be extraneous or even detrimentally used. What happens if you learn something that you never use or if you abuse your education for evil?
The truth is, powerful people use their power and influence BECAUSE they steadfastly, consciously, and purposely put their education to use, whether or not it was academic.
Sometimes the pressures of what is out there to learn can seem daunting. If it helps, not everyone is learning something all the time, and few people will concentrate on understanding a situation to the extent to which you are planning to learn it. That really reduces your competitive ratio, and it also makes you feel that much more accomplished when you do begin rising through the levels of understanding and application.
Hands on experience is one of the most important factors in education. If you think about children, you will notice that they do not consider very many things to be outside of their reach. This is true, particularly if they have not jumped off of the porch roof yet.  However, if you are looking to improve your business, one of the best ways is through hands on experience and through setting an example.
Your example is the most powerful form of influence that you can possess, and it really carries a lot more weight than your words or your intentions. We all know the moral about the road to hell being paved with good intentions. Setting the example is the most important part of the job you can do for your employees.
So, when you buy drug test equipment from CMM Technology and use it for employee drug testing, remember to use it yourself and to make sure that everyone else knows that you are actively participating in this process. Safety is for everyone, not just the big bosses. Recalibration services are also offered by CMM Technology for your breathalyser equipment.
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