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Saturday, 31 August 2013

Confidence in Compounding

People who are always trying to innovate rather than just duplicate a good system tend to also be people who live in the moment all the time and who do not understand the timelines and planning of intuitive people. Because they live in the moment, these individuals really do not see how repeating a certain action over and over again will help them down the line. They fail to grasp the power of compounding because, in their minds, timelines are not very solid or reliable and it is always best to count on what the present holds and not rely too much upon the future.
Those who have confidence in compounding, however, make great business strategists. They work on plans and projections, they can reliably intuit when something may happen to affect their plans, and they act accordingly. They’re great planners and they are great doers.
Well, in the business world, very few people are this way and even fewer use all of the talents that they are given on a regular basis. Very few people understand or leverage their strengths or acknowledge and plan for their weaknesses. Wouldn’t it be nice if all of your employees were like this?
Rapid STAT saliva drug test and our other drug test kits help only to identify which of your employees may be engaged in substance abuse while on the jobsite. They cannot determine if coworkers have matched personalities or are employed in the most leveraged way possible. What they can, however, detect is what level of emotional stress a worker must be under in order to be engaged in that type of behavior. This is not directly, of course, but you can make certain educated guesses based upon their behavior when they are sober. While you may not be able to help them, through employee drug testing you are able to identify potential or current problems in your business and help your company itself. That’s plenty good enough to be worth the effort, time and money involved in implementing screening tests. 
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Thursday, 29 August 2013

Calm and Controlled Energy

When you are calm, your managers and employees are able to be calmer than otherwise. When your temper and thoughts and feelings are under control, your subordinates are given a direct example of how to be professional. When you channel this control into charm and grace, they learn how to be engaging, not just with customers, but with you and other people with whom they work. There is a direct correlation between high-end/low-end spectra and the level of respect and professionalism that employees should show each other and their customers.
Calm and controlled energy is the cornerstone of professional energy everywhere, no matter what country or culture you are from. In this day and age, it is necessary then to use employee drug testing to evaluate your staff effectively. CMM Technology provides a NATA accredited breathalyser recalibration service, along with all kinds of drug test equipment and alcohol breathalyser devices. We carry a wide array of supplies for your employee drug testing program.
If your employees cannot keep their temper or just go ahead and abuse substances anyway, they can be helped through Employee Assistance Programs, if your company happens to offer one. This is a popular option in big companies, where such programs are very likely to occur. In the meantime, see to it that your staff keeps accurate records of everyone’s drug testing results as operations continue over time. Perhaps your company has a multiple offense policy, and perhaps it may even be the number of offenses allowed in a year. Whether or not your company is in a high hazard industry can affect these policies, both legally and practically.
Calm and controlled demeanors also help in stressful situations, particularly in high hazard industries, so it is necessary to keep your employees regularly evaluated so that no one potentially dangerous gets through the cracks. Now, for more information about CMM Technology and the products we offer, visit our website. We distribute high quality drug test kits and other supplies all over Australia. We can definitely help you with your business, no matter what size it is.
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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Permaculture in Today’s Eco System

Permaculture can be both short for “permanent agriculture” and “permanent culture” because it both creates sustainable harvesting and planting techniques for indefinite growth, as well as defining the multi-generational growth and maintenance of family land.
There is desertification of land all over the world and this loss of soil, water and vegetation is rather alarming. This is not due to climate change, but it can certainly bring out climate change, since the carbon in soil is not kept in the ground and used by the plants, but rather released into the atmosphere.
The purpose of “permaculture” is to establish a permanent agricultural setting where plants are kept green and all rainfall is retained and there is permanent sustainability which is self sustaining, rather than needing constant reinforcement or reinvestment in order to keep growing.
ToxSure salivadrug test and Lifeloc FC10 breathalyser devices by CMM Technology are meant to be used as tools to evaluate your business and give you information on how fit for duty your employees are. This is meant to sustain the culture of your business, bringing people in and keeping them in who are competent, worthy of your business, and independently minded.
An independent employee is one of the most valuable assets you have, because they stay for the job itself, and not just for the paycheck. Employee drug testing is a step in success, and business who use CMM Technology screening tests are working on becoming more sustainable and on increasing their company life expectancy. That is a valuable attribute to bring into your company.
Workers come and go, and low quality employees tend to have a higher turnover rate than high quality employees, so it is in your best interest to really feel out what your staff can and cannot handle, and this is where screening tests come in. Make sure your workers can handle the job of being full time, long term, high quality employees. It takes responsibility, both to themselves and to you, as their boss.
Evaluation is always a part of the sustainability process, and this type of evaluation is based upon science and the efficacy of our products.
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Friday, 23 August 2013

Perhaps Next Time

There is a lot of advice thrown back and forth between employees about how best to run a business. Unless any of them has actual experience in running a company, however, much of that advice is incomplete. We are not saying it is inaccurate…just incomplete. There must be a great deal of business experience, objective and subjective reasoning, professional self discipline, and many other aspects of running a company in mind in order to actually dispense advice which is worth anything in this context.
Of course, employees are allowed to openly complain about their working conditions if they deem them unsatisfactory, but some misguided people can take these complaints to heart…to the extreme. One of the primary complaints is about how workers are being treated by upper management, but usually the problem is not what is being spoken of. Usually, the problem is more encompassing and provides far greater negativity than the immediate complaint can cover.
Safety is a big problem in some working conditions, and it can cause a lot of smaller problems which pile on top of each other. Regular drug testing is essential, and employee drug testing is much easier thanks to Lifeloc FC10, ToxSure saliva drug test, and Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6, all of which are provided by CMM Technology, a company specializing in drug testing in Western Australia for some time now. Our goal is to help you fix the much larger problems, thus in turn creating solutions for all of the many smaller problems which may have arisen later on. We believe that it is possible for a business to control its assets more effectively by providing safer and more stable working conditions for its employees.
At CMM Technology, we know how easy it is to say, “Perhaps next time,” when solutions are proposed by workers as to improving safety conditions. We know that some employees simply do not have experience running a company, like you do. However, we also know that these employees are the life’s blood of your business, and therefore their working conditions are of utmost importance. Their opinion, in this instance, carries a lot of validity.

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Thursday, 22 August 2013

People in the Fourth Dimension

Technically, we all live in the fourth dimension, but because we live in it, we are not actually able to see it at all. Let’s consider how this works. If you lived in the second dimension, you could only see flat things. You would not be able to comprehend objects and people with depth at all. You would be able to see three dimensional objects one slice at a time.

Remember, that was “one slice at a time.”

Now, we move around in and understand the third dimension. There is height, length and depth to everything, no matter what it is. Now, picture the fourth dimension, and picture what a person in this dimension would look like. They would be a whole person, but we are only able to see slices of them at a time, which means that we can only view ourselves and other people one second at a time, and….this is the really cool part…we are able to create ourselves one slice at a time.

So, that means that we have control of what we become in the fourth dimension. Pretty cool, huh?

In drug testing, we are attempting to do the same thing with your business. Our drug test equipment and alcohol breathalyser devices are meant to help you turn your company into a living organism which you can control and whose growth you can control. You can help along its growth one slice at a time. Our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 is part of a drug test kit which also has an adulterant test. All of our tools are especially useful and they are part of these slices of your business’s life which is changed and strengthened over time. Our ToxSure saliva drug test and Lifeloc FC10 are other examples of products we carry.

Make sure that your company is taken care of in all dimensions by utilizing employee drug testing on a regular basis. There is nothing more satisfying than reaching your business goals, knowing and understanding your employee workforce. This is the place to start. Order drug test equipment from us today and receive a consultation over the phone.

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Monday, 19 August 2013

The Bone Collectors

Throughout the ages, any archetypes having to do with bone collecting have indicated a preservation of cultural and local history. History itself is written, not just by the victors, but by the bones. This means that, for many people, bones are the true stories which can be found in the dust of the earth. Bones tell what really happened, they can be examined and studied, and bones are the primary part of humans which are left over after death. Throughout the ages, bone collectors and bone collector archetypes have reconfigured the history of individual people and have brought them back together for another swing at immortality. Bones are, after all, the stuff that remains after death, one of the most common symbols of immortality.

Today, we try to preserve other things in our society through food preservatives, proper insulation, sealed cars, and other forms of self and belonging preservation. There are so many signs and symbols that mankind has created for keeping things alive, even after they are dead. In the business world, this is due in large part to the ability that people have to run systems and keep certain processes moving forward, which bring in more revenue and fuel the machine a little bit more and to go a little bit further. The whole process is fascinating, if you are looking at any business as an objective observer. Humans have a very unique way of keeping things going, long after they are gone.

Businesses use drug & alcohol testing as part of this self preservation process, and it sure is an effective method. Since the entire company rests upon the needs and duties of the people working in it, there must be only reliable, professional people inside such an operation. The result is that many employers find results from workplace drug testing to be extremely relevant to their jobs. Drug testing equipment can be found anywhere, but Mediscreen specializes in onsite drug and alcohol screening, which means that we come to your company and test your employees right there onsite. Of course, a lot of what we do is make your operations more efficient, since you can schedule a lot less time for these activities. To receive more information regarding drug screening in your own company, contact Mediscreen today.

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NATA Chemical Testing Accreditation Ensures Precise Breathalyser Recalibration

The National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) in Australia operates 15 accreditation programs, and one of them is chemical testing. Chemical testing accreditation is awarded to facilities that meet detailed technical requirements in areas like fuels, foods, metals and so on. Included under chemical testing is calibration of breathalysers. In the workplace, the accuracy of the equipment used to detect alcohol content in the breath of workers is critical to maintaining workplace safety and for ensuring human resources decisions are based on accurate information. Though there is no standard for recalibration, using a NATA accredited service gives employers the assurances the company has established rigorous internal quality control procedures as related to recalibration technicians and recalibrated equipment.

Breathalyser, or electronic breath alcohol testing devices, require regular recalibration to ensure accurate results are produced each time a worker is tested. Like any sensitive piece of equipment, frequent use and contamination can lead to the unit producing results with wide variances. The sensors in the equipment are particularly prone to contamination from substances other than the alcohol in a person’s breath. The frequency of recalibration needed depends on the type of breathalyser sensor. For example, a silicon oxide sensor needs more frequent re-calibration than equipment with a platinum fuel cell sensor. The types of breathalysers classified in the Australian standards include:

Type 1: Single use, disposable testing equipment
Type 2: Hand-held or portable electronic devices
Type 3: Fixed electronic devices
Type 4: Interlock devices attached to vehicles or other machinery
Accredited Services Fill a Knowledge Gap

Calibration is the process of adjusting an electronic breathalyser so that it produces accurate results that meet the requirements of Australian standards. Since Type 1 units are disposable, they do not need recalibration, but all of the electronic devices must be routinely maintained. Recalibration is merely the process of resetting the device to calibration standards when the calibration setting drifts over time.

The standards are quite detailed in defining the performance requirements for each type of breathalyser. The accuracy of the equipment after recalibration is dependent on the skills and knowledge of the technicians. Most employers only know rudimentary information about breathalysers because they rely on recalibration services to keep the equipment working accurately and reliably. For example, the employer will learn how to indentify negative, caution and positive results on a portable electronic device but has no way to test the equipment to determine if simulated blood alcohol readings produce accurate results. A lot of faith is placed in the accuracy of the breathalyser readings.

Obviously, the quality of the recalibration services is critical to getting accurate equipment results. That is why using a NATA accredited company experienced in breathalyser recalibration is crucial. NATA represents the peak authority in Australia for accrediting the technical competency of laboratories and certified reference materials and operates proficiency testing programs in calibration areas. Employers using an accredited calibration company know they are getting:

Professional services meeting the highest quality control standards
Recalibration results that are accurate and reliable
Technical services from competent staff with up-to-date training
Access to ongoing professional expertise
Consistent, accurate and dependable breathalyser results
Passing a Rigorous Test

An alcohol testing service accredited under the NATA chemical testing program has gone through a rigorous assessment by a team of lead and technical assessors with specialist knowledge. Earning NATA accreditation is a true honour and a reflection of a company’s dedication to overall quality. Employers using accredited testing services know that an external authority has verified a company’s training, methods, quality control standards, technical knowledge and management systems. The breathalyser equipment can be used with the peace of mind that comes with knowing the workplace breathalyser results are accurate, and medically and legally defensible.

CMM Technology (, a leading supplier of high quality drug and alcohol testing products, provide everything employers need to maintain a reliable workplace testing program. NATA accreditation in chemical testing establishes the company as an industry leader. 

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Saturday, 17 August 2013

Needle Infection and HIV

Needle infection are caused by unsanitary injections of various substances, unclean or used needles, and HIV infection can easily be transmitted by using someone else’s needle to inject drugs into your bloodstream. HIV and AIDS go hand in hand, and the two diseases together make a highly lethal combination. In the United States, anyone who has HIV is legally required to inform his or her sexual partners of their infection, so that anyone who is having sex with them can make an informed decision about their own health.

Also in the U.S., if someone fails to inform his or her sexual partners of their infection, they can end up infecting a large number of people, as the disease travels from partner to partner without anyone knowing about it. In this case, the person who started the viral transfer at the beginning of the spread can be prosecuted for murder, sometimes multiple accounts of murder, since their negligence was what caused many other people to die.

Needle infections can occur in any situation where drugs are being transmitted through them, and risk of infection increases with the number of people who use the needles together. It is really a very dangerous situation, and it bodes extremely ill for anyone who is still healthy and does not yet have one of these life threatening diseases.

Sexually transmitted and needle transmitted diseases are some of the most easily spread viruses on earth. It is not so much a matter of breathing the same air as the infected person, but that you have the same unsanitary habits as them.

To test for alcohol and drugs in your employees, be sure to use drug testing equipment and alcohol tests provided by CMM Technology. Very few companies equal our standard of excellence in their products and their customer service, and we really receive great joy at being able to bring stability and reliability to Australia companies. Sometimes, people at work share cups of coffee or drink from another’s cup when at work. This can bring a great deal trouble to you if you unknowingly and without the other person knowing it either took a drink from the cup of someone with HIV. Sharing bodily fluids is all it takes. Most infected people, however, are overly cautious and particular about people drinking from their water bottles and so on, so this is rarely a problem.

Keep the rest of the problems out of your company with employee drug testing

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Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Musing at Museums

The soul needs fulfillment, not just distraction. Our lives are, contrary to popular opinion, NOT made up of a schedule which needs to be tweaked every now and then but otherwise followed so that we all get as much done and as much stuff as we can maintain. The truth is, that is not a reason for living.

Feeding the soul is a reason for living. Enjoying the first breath of spring when the temperatures begin to warm and the air begins to vibrate. Holding someone you love so that both of you feel collectively stronger. Sometimes, a well crafted piece of music feeds your soul. Whatever the case, there are many things which uplift the spirit, and many things which cause us to think about the world around us in different ways.

Museums are not so different from drug testing. In its essence, employee drug testing is intended to reveal the internally weak and unmotivated. Museums are meant to describe the consequences of the actions of both the weak and the strong, showing what happens when men and women get together for good or for evil. Museums show daily lives. They show times when people were stronger or weaker than they are today. They show how their lives affected the land and people around them. Museums are extremely important to the soul of society, and many people find that art galleries, museums, and even nature itself are immensely inspiring…if you take the time and energy to really soak it in.

Work can be extremely rewarding…if you take the time and energy to develop your skills into a craft. It really is an art form, if you will.

That is why, when CMM Technology distributes drug test kits and provides our breathalyser recalibration service, we know what a benefit we are giving to the Australian business community. There is nothing better than really living life, rather than life living you. Our Lifeloc FC10 and ToxSure saliva drug test are examples of how people can take control of their businesses through a little training and tenacity. Call CMM Technology to order our products for your use and implementation.

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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Many Pleasures

Life has many little pleasures in it. All of them are enjoyable and delectable. There is beautiful and exciting weather. There are great stone houses and small country cottages. There are beautiful, sweet smelling flowers, pretty women, good looking men, happy children, laughter, warm hearth fires, and honeysuckle vines. There is the smell of freshly mixed cement, and there is the feeling of a warm spring breeze on your back.

There is a lot that life has to offer, and we often do not stop to enjoy the many pleasures which arise from it.

Unfortunately, for some people, this is a chronic condition of ignoring the beauty around us. The dementia and extreme mood swings of drug addicts and alcoholics speaks to the fact that their minds are quickly decaying and their paranoia is continually increasing over the course of their addiction.

They often believe that someone means the worst possible context when speaking, and that people are laughing at them behind their backs. In the workplace, this is an extremely dangerous attitude to have around because it allows workers to lash out at each other with their tongues or with actual physical force. If left unchecked, this behavior could result in danger, injury, or even fatality in any of the individuals in the vicinity.

It is always best to avoid addicts, rather than attempting to change them or help them. Some people try to do this, and they find their entire lives disappearing down a black hole. It is necessary to keep these demented individuals from the worksite and away from your good, hardworking employees. They cannot be helped by anyone but themselves. Therefore, use drug testing to determine who is really rational and who is a danger to themselves and others.

When it comes to being fit for duty, employees need to be emotionally, physically, mentally, and psychologically competent. If they are not, then it is wise to never hire them. If one or two slips past the border, though, you can identify them through the use of employee drug testing. CMM Technology handle many drug test kits and we provide a breathalyser recalibration service. 

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