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Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Designer Shoes…Designer Fashion…But Designer Drugs?

You have heard of designer shoes, designer fashion and may be the band Designer Drugs, if you are an Australian clubber and music follower, but have you heard of designer drugs?  This is yet another term that employers should be aware of because these are powerful illicit drugs. They are called designer drugs because they are created for the purpose of circumventing the drug laws.
The designer drugs are a bit tricky because they will give the drug user the same kind of experience that other illegal drugs are meant to generate. The designer drugs, though, are synthetic drugs in which as little as one molecule may have been modified in the molecular structure thus creating a new drug form. Most of the laws specifically name drugs that are illegal so these new drugs are technically not illegal for a while.
Popular designer drugs that have shown up include ketamine, GHB and K2 to name a few.
  •                   Ketamine – Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic drug designed originally for veterinary use, but that became popular with drug users when it was discovered to have hallucinogenic properties causing similar effects as those achieved with PCP.  It causes dreamlike states by distorting sight and sound perceptions. It is usually injected intramuscularly or is snorted.
  •                   GHB – Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) is a central nervous system depressant that is actually a natural substance present in the brain in very small concentrations. High doses of this drug produce a sedative effect. It is usually taken orally as a liquid or powder but may be snorted also.
  •                 K2 – A substitute for marijuana, it is a mixture of herbs and chemicals that is smoked. It affects the central nervous system and mimics the affects achieved when smoking marijuana.
Just recently the University of New South Wales reported that the use of ecstasy is declining. That is good news except that the study conducted indicated the decline is due to the fact that there is a new range of Australian designer drugs. These include mephedrone which is that infamous one molecule different from an amphetamine. Referred to as miaow or bubbles, it is a synthetic stimulant.
It is amazing to note that one of the main reason ecstasy use is falling is that drug users are reporting that it is being sold with much less purity. In other words, the ecstasy is not delivering the desired effects, so more powerful and dangerous synthetic drugs are designed.
Not Fit for Human Consumption
One of the interesting facts about these designer drugs is that new ones appear on the drug scene regularly, and they are often first sold on the internet. Labelled as plant food that is “not fit for human consumption”, these drugs are temporarily and technically legal. Eventually the law catches up and adds the designer drugs to its list of illicit substances.
When you choose to do random or blanket drug testing as an employer, your goal is not to catch those breaking the law, but rather to protect the safety of workers and the workplace. The designer drugs can negatively impact learning ability, attention, motor function, memory and some may cause hallucinations. That is not the kind of condition you want your employees to be in whilst they are working.
The concern is whether the saliva drug test or the urine drug test can detect these designer drugs.  It’s impossible to say yes or no to this question. The answer is that a quality state-of-the-art drug testing laboratory will develop drug testing equipment to detect these substances once it is discovered they exist.
Talk to the Testing Laboratory Professionals
There certainly may be a short period in which a brand new designer drug is sold and is not detectable, but it won’t remain undetectable for long. Saliva and/or urine drug test can currently detect ketamine, K2 and mephedrone. GHB can be detected but is not considered a routine drug test (as of right now).  That can certainly change if it is determined its use has become extensive.
CMM Technology ( works hand-in-hand with employers to insure that current drug testing equipment is current and effective at detecting the popular drugs whether they are “designer” quality or not. You can contact the CMM Technology professionals and discuss any concerns you may have about the types of drugs employees may be using on or off the job.

Monday, 18 July 2011

What is Ketamine and How Does It Work?

Ketamine is a drug which binds to mu opioid receptors in the brain, and is used in both medical and veterinary practices. Ketamine is an NMDA (N-Methyl-D-Aspartate) receptor antagonist, which is used as a type of anesthetic on both humans and animals. It produces a dissociative state, euphoria and hallucinations.
What is an NMDA receptor antagonist?
An NMDA receptor is ionotropic and facilitates the transfer of electrical signaling between neurons in the spinal column and the brain. In other words, this receptor helps communication, including sensory communication, travel between your mind and the rest of your body. An NMDA receptor antagonist blocks this communication and therefore acts as a euphoric or anesthetic agent.
What are the side effects of Ketamine abuse?
Ketamine reacts with the body similarly to PCP (phencyclidine) and DXM (dextromethorphan), except that it is very quick acting and does not last as long as PCP or DXM. In strong doses, Ketamine only affects the physiology for approximately two hours. Because of the heavy neurological activity, long-term abuse is correlated with partial or heavy memory loss. Short-term abuse is correlated with confusion, disorientation, spiritual experiences, numbness, dissociation, euphoria, and altered perception of reality. Physiological side effects include respiratory depression, increased heart rate, and loss of coordination, hypertension and sedation.
Where did Ketamine originate?
In 1962, PCP was causing seizures and neurotoxicity, so the pharmaceutical company, Parke-Davis, developed Ketamine in order to find a safer anesthesia. The recreational use of Ketamine increased toward the end of the twentieth-century, and was especially popular in raves. Ketamine-based pharmaceutical brands include Ketalar, Ketmex, Astrapin, Imalgen, Ketaset, and Ketotal. 
How Do I know if someone is Abusing Ketamine?
The neurological side effects of Ketamine are fairly obvious, dissociative mental states, loss of sensory perception and loss of motor coordination being the primary indicators of abuse. If an individual has overdosed on any drug, your first step must be to call your local medical services. While you are waiting for their arrival, you must monitor the individual carefully to determine breathing and heart rate. Keep them warm and perform any emergency medical procedures which you know, such as CPR, in order to stabilize them as best you can. 
CMM Technology provides quality drug and alcohol testing equipment to businesses which require these services. If your employees are exhibiting abnormal behavior or if you simply wish to install a program to keep your staff clean and productive, drug and alcohol testing is highly recommended. We are here to help you with your safety protocol. Contact CMM Technology today: +618-9204-2500.

Monday, 11 July 2011

How To Use Onsite Drug and Alcohol Testing

Workplace Drug Test

CMM Technology is committed to providing your business with high quality drug and alcohol testing equipment. However, you may be wondering about actual implementation of these testing procedures. This is really very simple. Onsite drug and alcohol testing is far preferable to sending all of your employees to a laboratory, a time-consuming and unproductive practice. Laboratory test results can take quite a while, your employees have to wait for long periods of time in order to complete the process, transportation must be arranged and possibly time off of work must be obtained. This will slow your productivity and your staff may feel resentful about the extra hassle. The solution: onsite drug testing where your employees do not have to leave their place of employment in order to fulfill safety protocol. It is convenient, it is cost effective, and it is more pleasant for everyone. What are the steps which you should take?
1. Determine your schedule and available times for testing
Our sister company, Mediscreen, offers onsite testing 24/7. This is not only convenient for certain industries with high percentages of night laborers, but it ensures flexibility and commitment to your schedule.
2. Determine the available annual budget for your workplace drug and alcohol testing
Mediscreen can adjust how often per year that you schedule your testing, according to your specific company needs. This means that onsite drug and alcohol testing is available for small businesses, as well as large corporations. There is no need to overextend you in order to order testing services or testing equipment. Both Mediscreen and CMM Technology are here for you.
3. Ask questions before you begin!
You may find unexpected surprises if you begin any business relationship without questioning and examining all of your subjective assumptions. Surprises are not always pleasant! Make sure that you receive full explanations and documentation of testing procedures, where the testing equipment will be stored, employee records and security protocols. Onsite testing includes the benefit of storing employee records on company property, which many employees may find more reassuring and private than storing their records offsite. Include payment arrangements and scheduling reminders among your questions. Also remember to ask about the coordinator who will take care of the requirements for your specific company. Make sure that this individual is someone with whom you wish to continue your business relationship and ask to speak with them directly before continuing with your plans.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Doesn’t Drug and Alcohol Testing Take Up Company Time?

Drug free workplace, Workplace drug test

When planning the operations of your business, your main concern will be consumption and acquirement of resources. Even if you have a brilliant business strategy, you must balance the cost and the benefits in order to make a profit. The expression “time is money” is appropriate in both professional and private achievements. At any point in time, you are either spending time on a task or money to make sure that the task is performed. You spend money to hire employees so that you do not have to do spend time doing all of the tasks yourself. Even if you wanted to, sometimes there simply are not enough hours in the day. You know that balancing time and money requires a great deal of planning and strategy. How can you implement drug and alcohol testing effectively?
Research and Investigation
There is no way around it: if you are shopping for a vehicle or a home, you must research and investigate every possibility. To not do so would be irresponsible and reckless. Such an enormous investment cannot be taken lightly and your current resources must be managed in such a way that you receive the most out of your purchase per the amount which you pay. This is simply common sense. Why should your company be any different? Your company is an investment and your participation with your business is an ongoing investment. Every day, you sink more time into it and reap more money. Anything which affects this “portfolio” must be examined thoroughly. Do your research on your drug and alcohol testing company. Call our offices and ask plenty of questions. We are here to serve you, not vice versa.
Streamline Operations
It is recommended that you use an onsite drug testing company. CMM Technology offers equipment for all of your onsite needs. The employee drug and alcohol testing can come to you, rather than spending extra money and company time accomplishing this offsite. Onsite testing decreases professional and personal time which would be spent at a laboratory. Bring the entire operation to you, store employee records onsite for privacy and accessibility preferences, and keep it simple. Sometimes, the more you complicate an operation, the more you become bogged down in the details and the more time is spent on a procedure which should have been quick and efficient.
Doing your research and streamlining your testing methods will decrease company time spent on drug and alcohol testing. Of course, it will also be cheaper. Call us today: +618-9204-2500.